former supporter of R. Paks, J. Borisovas, poses a threat to the security of Lithuania, he cannot live in Lithuania

by times news cr

2024-04-06 01:16:46

His permanent residence permit in Lithuania was revoked and he was banned from entering Lithuania for 5 years.

Mr. Borisov appealed this decision of the Migration Department to the court, but on March 26, his appeal was rejected as unfounded.

“The panel of judges made such a decision after assessing the threats posed by I. Borisov to the security of the Lithuanian state,” the court reported.

J. Borisov is known in the past from the impeachment trial of the deposed President R. Paks.

This judgment is not final.

J. Borisov’s appeal was received on Friday, and it was transferred to the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania.

R. Paks, exactly 20 years ago, in April 2004, was removed from the position of president during the impeachment procedure. The Constitutional Court then recognized that he had broken his oath and grossly violated the Constitution when he exceptionally granted Lithuanian citizenship to his financial supporter and advisor J. Borisov.

J. Borisov’s lawyer Vytautas Sirvydis told Eltai on Friday that the case is closed and he cannot comment on it in detail.

“The process is not public. Do not forget that this is only the decision of the court of first instance, it is not final. The whole family – three of his (J. Borisov’s – ELTA) children are Lithuanian citizens. Father is 93 years old. Let’s open the Constitution and see how the state of Lithuania, how our Constitution speaks about caring for parents in old age, about visiting the mother’s grave. Such simple things. Does a Lithuanian citizen who is 93 years old have the right to be looked after by his son or not?”, the lawyer told Elta.

He reminded that there were attempts to deport J. Borisova from Lithuania before, but they ended in failure of the Lithuanian institutions.

In 2002, during the presidential elections, the helicopter repair company “Aviabaltica” managed by J. Borisov allocated 1.2 million to the election campaign of R. Paks. litas, R. Pakas, who became the president, later granted Lithuanian citizenship to his most generous supporter in gratitude.

The Migration Department has been trying to deport J. Borisov since 2004, based on the material collected by the VSD. It states that the businessman sought to destabilize the political situation in Lithuania.

According to the lawyer, Russian citizen J. Borisov has been living in Lithuania intermittently since 1962.

J. Borisov was born in 1956.

2024-04-06 01:16:46

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