Foro Madrid celebrates its anti-communist Summit in Peru in full motion of no confidence against Dina Boluarte

by time news

The Fundación Disenso de Vox intensifies its battle against communism in Latin America by organizing, through Forum Madrid, its second International Summit on March 29 and 30 in Peru. The meeting will take place in the capital, Lima, coinciding with the motion of no confidence that the left has registered against the president In Boluartewhich will be considered by Parliament next Thursday.

Santiago Abascal will intervene in the event by videoconference next Wednesday, the eve of the plenary session that will decide whether to admit the motion against Boluarte for “moral incapacity” to continue leading the country. In the event of achieving sufficient support, the proposal would later be debated and could end up overthrowing the government, as happened with the self-coup carried out by his predecessor in office, the left-wing extremist Pedro Castillo.

The Foro Madrid Summit already has 800 participants registered and its objective is to establish alliances with the Ibero-American right to fight against the leftist governments that dominate the area and apply totalitarian measures against the population. during the appointment the “international destabilization plan” promoted by the Puebla Group and the Sao Paulo Forum will be denounced.

As you may have learned digital freedomthe event will have the participation of prominent international leaders such as the mayor of Lima, Rafael Lopez; Vice President and Foreign Minister in the Alberto Fujimori period, Francisco Tudela; the former Peruvian Defense Minister, devious flowers; Jair Bolsonaro’s foreign minister, Ernesto Araujo; the daughter of Bolivian political prisoner Jeanine Añez, Carolina Ribera Áñez; or the senator of Colombia, Maria Fernanda Cabal.

Congressmen, jurists, journalists, political analysts or university professors from different countries such as Venezuela, Cuba, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala or Paraguay, among others, will also participate in the Summit to defend democracy, freedom and the State of law in these countries.

The inauguration of the event next Wednesday will be carried out by the leader of Vox Madrid, Rocío Monasterio, and the Vox MEP, Hermann Tertsch. The closure will take place a day later at the hands of the director of the Disenso foundation, Jorge Martin Friasand that of Foro Madrid, edward cader.

Foro Madrid organized the First Regional Meeting last year in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, coinciding with the country’s presidential elections. During their celebration, they were attacked with stones by far-left radicals who attacked the hotel where the event was taking place.

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