“Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” – Enemies become friends: The divas make plans for the future

by time news

Who would have thought? When Sam Dylan and Matthias Mangiapane moved in, an ice-cold wind blew through the “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany”. But instead of going at each other’s throats, Matthias surprises with an unexpected declaration of love.

the essentials in brief

  • “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” starts on January 4, 2024, at 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben. Every Thursday there is a new episode on TV and on Joyn.

  • You can find all information and broadcast times about the show here.

  • Find out here which celebrities are taking part in the German version of “Forsthaus Rampensau”.

You can watch all episodes of “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” here

In the clip: Matthias and Sam get a little closer

What Prosecco can do…

The old arch enemies Sam and Matthias meet again for the first time when they move into the “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” and are anything but enthusiastic about each other. But the expected mud fight doesn’t happen. Instead, the two reality divas see a lot of themselves in each other.

In episode 6, Matthias admits:

When I saw you moving in, I thought the monster I knew had to get out of here. And as quickly as possible!

Matthias Mangiapane

But the reality TV king was surprised by another side of the colorful bird. And Matthias would like to meet her “for a glass of Prosecco” after the show.

In the clip: Matthias and Sam make plans together

A declaration of love while sawing off

At the last big saw-off, Matthias once again talks about his newfound friendship with Sam. While he was hurt and betrayed by his long-time friend Jasmin, he can proudly say that “arch-enemies became friends.”

For these kind words, Sam even gives him a smooch on the last night of the party in the forester’s house.

Today the “Forsthaus Rampensau” is the House of Love!

Dylan himself

This makes saying goodbye all the more difficult. But the two want to see each other again. This even surprises Sam a bit: “Who would have thought that we would leave here as best friends and even make plans for the future?”

For now, however, Matthias has to leave his new “best friend”. Unlike him and his mother, Sam and team partner Nana made it to the semi-finals.

You can see whether they can go further and perhaps even secure the title at “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” every Thursday at 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben.

“When I saw him, I felt a little sick for a moment”

They have mastered the reality game through and through: Matthias Mangiapane and Sam Dylan have already appeared in countless formats and are equally known for their sharp tongues. But the TV divas have always made one thing clear ever since: they like to be alone in the spotlight.

In “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” Matthias and Sam not only have to share a limited living space, but also the broadcasting time. A circumstance that immediately makes the reality stars jump out of their skin. Even the greeting gets snappy.

This may indeed be something. Let’s see who survives in the end.

Dylan himself

Are the two blasphemers already calling out their own reality games? In any case, they don’t treat themselves to anything. Neither Matthias nor Sam hold back with their opinions and thoughts.

Matthias Mangiapane takes on Sam Dylan

One saying follows the next. But none of the reality queens allow themselves to be intimidated: “I have to admit very clearly, this format actually suits you very well. The furnishings are just as cheap as you,” Matthias says against Sam. He can immediately counter and call the experienced reality star is a “diva from the 80s”, but he himself is clearly a “modern day diva”.

You have to decide between a cobra and a rattlesnake.

Matthias Mangiapane

Love-hate relationship or diva drama? Will the two reality stars find each other in the new Joyn hit “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” from December 8th or will they shake the mountains of Carinthia? Rampensau roommate Jasmin Herren is prepared for any eventuality: “I’ve already put the bag of chips down – I hope everyone else out there is too!”

Matthias Mangiapane is also on “Celebrity Big Brother” can be seen on SAT.1. You can read what the reality star experiences there on the news page.

It was also just announced that Sam Dylan and his ex Rafi are celebrating a romantic comeback.

In the clip: Sam and Matthias are spinning intrigues

This is “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany”

The successful, first reality show from Austria: “Forsthaus Rampensau” celebrated records with the first season on the Austrian broadcaster ATV. And online on Joyn in Germany and Austria, “Forsthaus Rampensau” also generates video views in the millions. “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” is produced by Madame Zheng Production GmbH.

On January 4, 2024, the successful format will finally start in the German version on ProSieben and Joyn. Every Thursday, at 8:15 p.m.

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