Forza Italia loses pieces, but Toti and Brugnaro are not the solution

by time news

Since Salvini and Meloni certainly have leadership skills, and since other personalities around are not seen nor presumably a new Berlusconi will be born in the coming months, I believe that for the centrists and moderates it is today more profitable, beyond the parliamentary games, to support the liberal push of the League, contributing in some way to the integration, or rather to the strengthening of this trend, within the ideal horizon of Salvini’s party

It is a bad blow for Forza Italia that dealt by Giovanni Toti e Luigi Brugnaro, respectively governor of Liguria and mayor of Venice. Who announced the birth of a new parliamentary group, “Courage Italy”, which immediately stole 11 deputies and 7 senators from the party of Silvio Berlusconi.

It has been stressed several times that Forza Italia was not a “corporate party”, as has been said, but above all a “personal party”, that is, inextricably linked to the figure of the founder. And even if the Knight has felt for at least a decade the need to find a successor, having looked for him in his own image and likeness he has not found it. And indeed he “burned” all the suitors one after the other, including those who had been hit by himself. A classic. On the other hand, it could not have been otherwise with a personality so out of the ordinary, and in some respects unrepeatable.

Unfortunately today Forza Italia finds itself in a strange situation: without a single and authoritative guide, and above all ever present, such as that of Berlusconi, the party is a group of tribes in a barely simulated war between them. War of personal ambitions, first of all. But also of different sensibilities, of course, which previously always found their composition in the synthesis of the garment. The paradox is that all this happens when that “liberal moderatism” made up of attention to the productive and bourgeois classes, of Europeanism and guaranteeism, has once again become the axis of a government that intends to rebuild the country precisely on these bases (and ‘otherwise it could not be otherwise). An area that the center-right, which in the period of sovereignties had accentuated its nationalist and security dimension, now needs to be able to legitimately aspire not only to win the majority in the country (which according to the polls it already has) but also to govern with some success in the future.

The problem therefore lies with Forza Italia, but also with the entire center-right coalition (which in fact, due to the backlash after the announcement of Toti and Brugnaro, had to cancel the summit for the choice of candidates for the next municipal councils in the autumn). How it will come out is not easy to say. However, it would seem that Coraggio Italia cannot be the solution, in the sense of replacing in perspective what Forza Italia was, not only in its golden age but also until yesterday. The operation seems to be born at the table, all parliamentary despite the assurances of opening on the territory given by Toti and Brugnaro. A share of charisma and personalization today is essential in politics, as well as a precise articulation of ideas and interests that parties often do not have. And which they must absolutely win back to make the future of the Italian political system less precarious and uncertain.

As Matteo Salvini e Giorgia Meloni they certainly have leadership skills, and since other personalities around are not seen nor presumably a new Berlusconi will be born in the coming months, I believe that for the centrists and moderates it is today more profitable, beyond the parliamentary games, to support the liberal push of the Lega, contributing in some way to the integration, or rather to the strengthening of this trend, within the ideal horizon of Salvini’s party. Of course, it is an operation that could lose some pieces on the left front, but the clarification that would ensue would certainly be an advantage to be played also in an electoral perspective. In any case, all that remains is to wait.

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