Founding Congress for “Permanent Revolution”, the party supported by Jean-Marc Rouillan and Assa Traoré

by time news

The new far-left political organization Permanent Revolution held its founding congress in Paris on Friday, hoping to take advantage of the recent split in the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) and the “democratic vacuum at LFI”.

“Jean-Luc Mélenchon leads the Insoumis with an iron fist, Lutte Ouvrière (LO) is old-fashioned: the party is not aimed at young people. As for the NPA, it intervenes everywhere and nowhere at the same time. We are recentralizing the fight around feminist and environmental issues,” Paul Morao, communications manager for the new organization, told AFP.

Assa Traoré acclaimed

Media personalities such as the co-founder of the far-left armed group Direct Action Jean-Marc Rouillan or the anti-racist activist Assa Traoré publicly show their support for Permanent Revolution.

“This party is the future of change, of a new era, of equality for all. Because everyone deserves to be free, to be defended”, launched Assa Traoré, elder sister of Adama Traoré, acclaimed by 300 activists present at the congress. All chanted in chorus “Justice for Adama”, a young black man who died in 2016 after his arrest by gendarmes in Val-d’Oise.

“Uniting the Struggles”

Apart from the “anti-racist fight”, “other struggles are to come against inflation and for the revaluation of wages and, above all, the fight against the pension reform which we are already beginning to prepare”, continued Daniela Cobet , a Permanent Revolution activist who plans to organize strikes from the start of the 2023 school year.

To “unite the struggles”, the organization leaves “the door open to comrades” who have recently left the NPA, a movement which split in two during its congress last weekend.

“Revolutionary New Generation”

Permanent Revolution had itself been unofficially created in April 2021 by activists excluded from the NPA for their more revolutionary line and their refusal of any rapprochement with LFI, desired by Philippe Poutou and Olivier Besancenot.

For Frédéric Lordon, communist and revolutionary philosopher who supports the new organization, “the paradox of the period is that it has never required so many revolutionary movements when there are none left that are. really “.

The organization, which intends to continue the communist “class struggle”, is convinced that a “new revolutionary generation has been born since the demonstrations against the Labor Law in 2016”, according to Anasse Kazib. The latter, a figure of the movement, had not been able to gather the necessary sponsorships to stand for the presidential election of 2022.

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