Founding of the support association of the “Strünzer Pänz” day-care center in Linz

by time news

Message from 02.10.2022

At the same time as the opening ceremony of the “Strünzer Pänz” day-care center on Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse in Linz, the association was founded. For the dedicated voluntary founding members, the last few weeks have been characterized by new challenges for the still young founding team.

From left: Vera Burkard, Sabine Schopp, Daniel Kolenda, Guido Kleimann, Jacqueline Hahn, Stefanie Salz. (Photo: private)

Linz. In addition to board elections, the adoption of the statutes, the account setup and the flyer design, the legal and organizational aspect of founding an association to a full and registered association (eV) was on the agenda. Secretary Sabine Schopp did an excellent organizational background work and Sarah Hofmann lovingly designed the flyers.

In addition to the first and second chairman Daniel Kolenda and Guido Kleimann, the board consists of the secretary Sabine Schopp and treasurer Jacqueline Hahn. In addition, the following members are on the extended board: Helena Liesner (cash auditor) and the assessors Vera Burkard, Stefanie Salz and Alicia Prangenberg.

If you want to support the day care center and the association, you can become a member or simply donate something! With the income from the membership fees (at least 12 euros per year) and donations, the association supports the financing of projects and the educational work of the day care center by purchasing play and learning materials. The association account at the Sparkasse Neuwied is as follows: IBAN DE37 5745 0120 0030 5131 13.

The association regularly provides information on the use of donations and membership fees.
You can find more information and membership applications in the entrance area of ​​the day care center or by sending an inquiry to [email protected]. (PM)

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