Four cities plan to follow Strasbourg, which will attack the state

by time news

Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Marseille are considering joining Strasbourg, which has announced that it will sue the state for its “failure” to shelter people on the street, municipal solidarity assistants gathered in Lyon said on Thursday. .

“We plan to resume the action that was started in Strasbourg. The city of Lyon has acted that it is committed to this procedure. The state must assume its responsibilities. The municipalities no longer have the means to make up for its shortcomings, ”said Sandrine Runel, assistant (PS) for solidarity for the city of Lyon, during a joint press conference with her colleagues from Paris and Bordeaux. Marseille, whose deputy was prevented from participating in the meeting because of the train strike, is associated with this approach, according to the participants.

“A systemic problem”

On Monday, the environmentalist mayor of Strasbourg, Jeanne Barseghian, announced that her city was going to sue the state, launching a national appeal to “elected officials” and “associations” who wish to join her action. “We want to denounce the dark side of the government, which leaves children, isolated women, families on the street, in the cold”, added Sandrine Runel, in the presence of Léa Filoche (Paris), Harmonie Le Cerf Meunier (Bordeaux ), and Floriane Varieras (Strasbourg). The elected representative from Lyon wanted to launch the “Lyon appeal”, by inviting several of her colleagues from other municipalities for two days.

The elected officials challenged Olivier Klein, Minister of Housing, who had announced a “zero street children” plan on September 27. “The government is making contradictory speeches, and nothing is happening. Cities do not have the skills, the means or the capacity to make up for the shortcomings of the State”, estimated Léa Filoche, deputy mayor of Paris.

The solidarity assistants must meet next Wednesday to record the number of cities ready to initiate the appeal. In addition to Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Marseille, other cities should join Strasbourg, according to the deputies present at the meeting. “We realize that all our cities face the same difficulties. It is a systemic problem, which the government must respond to, ”said Harmonie Le Cerf, assistant in Bordeaux, where 559 people are without accommodation.

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