four departments received this Thursday at the Primature – Information in Guinea and in the world

by time news

2023-07-28 08:48:02

Determined to take up the challenge of socio-economic development of the Nation as defined in the mission letters assigned to them at the beginning of the year, the Ministers of the Republic continue to succeed each other in the Prime Minister’s Office to defend their half-year results.

This Thursday, there were four of them to take turns before the Evaluation Committee set up for the occasion: The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Information and Communication, the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Handicrafts.

First received by the Evaluation Committee, the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Mamoudou Nagnalen Barry gives in the following lines the quintessence of what he retains from the interview: “There are letters missions that clearly set out the vision of the President of the Transition, in relation to the agricultural sector. Evaluation helps ensure that the ministry remains focused on this essential work. We said today that our GREEN REFOUNDATION policy is reaching Guinean producers in the last villages of the country. The prices of agricultural inputs have fallen, the seed is accessible, mechanization is stronger and we are also working on the facilities and rural tracks. And animals’ access to food is being strengthened… So there is fundamental work in progress”.

Then, the second personality to return to the Palais de la Colombe was the Minister of Youth and Sports. Lansana Béa Diallo gives her impressions: “evaluation is always something positive. Because the objective is to allow us to progress, to have a cursor to say that we are in the right direction. We must adopt an approach that will allow us to continue to improve the objectives that have been set for us. What is important are not the points that we are going to be given, but rather the recommendations to enable us technically to regulate the difficulties in order to be able to improve”.

In the afternoon of this Thursday, it is the Minister of Information and Communication who was received in third position by the evaluation committee. Aminata Kaba, like her predecessors already heard, is no exception to the rule. She said, “We had quite an interesting exercise. This will allow us not only to improve performance but also to be quite realistic. So for us, the most important thing is to be more objective and transparent in relation to the data that has been provided. This evaluation makes it possible to have a management focused on much more appropriate results, to appropriate the tools that have been made available and to see how to question our way of working to be much more efficient in the same way as the sector. private. And therefore have results that have a direct impact on the lives of the population”.

Finally, it is the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Handicrafts who closed the day on Thursday. At the end of the evaluation of the half-yearly balance sheet of his department, Alpha Soumah declares: “it is a republican exercise. We reviewed the contents of the performance contracts but also the contents of the performance contracts entered into with our sector departments and our general management. We are very satisfied with this evaluation because we realize that for six months the department was able to work on its annual work plan by respecting the clauses of the contract signed with the Prime Minister but also by integrating the data from our road. And that we owe it to the people of Guinea”.

Tomorrow Friday July 28, 2023, four other ministers are expected at the Palais de la Colombe to defend their half-year report before the evaluation committee chaired by the Prime Minister, Dr Bernard Goumou.

The Government Communication Unit

#departments #received #Thursday #Primature #Information #Guinea #world

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