Four Frequently Asked Questions About the Female Orgasm

by time news

The more often a woman orgasms, the more she feels satisfied with her love life. Charlotte Paroielle / Le Figaro

SEXOLOGY Dr. Catherine Solano answers the most frequently asked questions on this subject, which has remained taboo for a long time.

Dr. Catherine Solano is a sexologist doctor. Trained in health ethics, she consults in urology at the Cochin hospital in Paris. She is co-founder of Doctical, a telehealth platform that supports people affected by cancer in their intimate health. She is the author of numerous books, including The Big Book of Puberty (Robert Laffont editions).

The female orgasm is a vast mystery for men, women, couples, but also sociologists and sexologists. That is why many studies and surveys have been devoted to the subject, so that we now know much more than 50 years ago. Here are, for example, the answers that we can now provide to four questions that come up very frequently during sexology consultations.

How do you know objectively that a woman has an orgasm?

The female orgasm is characterized…

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