Four million euros for research to reduce health inequalities

by time news

Despite the increase in average life expectancy, people with a low socio-economic position are struggling with relatively large health inequalities. The NWA wants to use the research program to permanently improve the health of this vulnerable target group. Four research projects have been awarded for this, which are being carried out by Wageningen University, the LUMC, Amsterdam UMC and Utrecht University.

Social policy

Researchers will collaborate with social parties and target groups to arrive at a better approach. The Amsterdam UMC is examining the growing digital inequality in relation to health. Utrecht University is researching how a system-oriented, integrated approach improves the mental health of young people growing up in poverty.

With their project, Wageningen University aims to realize health potential in lifestyle behavior and mental health for people on social assistance and people with (risk of) problematic debts. The university aims to take steps by creating insights into how social policy can contribute to realizing health potential and implementing these insights. The LUMC wants to reduce health inequalities by developing a community approach that counteracts syndemic vulnerability. To this end, the project will develop a resilience method in co-creation with citizens in two neighborhoods to tackle structural mechanisms that lead to syndemic vulnerability in a community.


The NWO has allocated almost four million euros in funding for these studies. The program is implemented by ZonMw and NWO and is co-financed by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS).

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