four ministerial departments evaluated this Saturday at the Primature – Information in Guinea and in the world

by time news

2023-07-30 11:20:52

Conakry, July 29, 2023 – The evaluation of ministers continues unabated at the Primature. Despite the heavy rain falling on Conakry, the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Dr. Bernard Goumou, his Cabinet and the Evaluation Committee remain determined to respect to the letter the instructions of the President of the Transition, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya . Instructions which are none other than establishing morality and transparency in the management of public affairs and henceforth instilling the principle of accountability everywhere.

This Saturday, it was the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, accompanied by members of his Cabinet, who was the first to walk the steps of the Palais de la Colombe to meet before the Evaluation Committee. At the end of the exchanges, Dr. Mamadou Pèthè Diallo takes stock: “It is a kind of snapshot of the period of the first half of the year 2023 which allowed us to take stock of the execution of all actions, tasks but also the contribution of our department to the institutional reform efforts undertaken by the CNRD and the Transitional Government. What is interesting to note is that this allows accountability to recover its central place in the effort to reform Guinea and rebuild our country…”.

Hardly had the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene retired than that of Security and Civil Protection unfolded his files before the Evaluation Committee. Bachir Diallo not only debriefs the interview he had with the Evaluation Committee but also gives his point of view on the exercise to which the ministers are subjected: “This exercise is extremely important because as members of the Government, we are bound by the principles and requirements of efficiency, accountability and rendering of accounts in the performance of our duties. It is the result of a controlled, controlled process which shows that the Transition is well managed under the leadership of his Excellency, the Head of State who is trustworthy and who is worthy of presiding over this country…”.

In this excerpt that follows, Rose Pola Pricémou says: “We were able to present our half-yearly results in terms of strengthening internal governance and EPAs, budget execution and mobilization of resources from partners within the framework of mutual cooperation advantageous. Many reforms are being made during this transition, but they must be preserved…”.

The day of this Saturday was closed by the Minister for the Advancement of Women, Children and Vulnerable People. After her appearance before the Evaluation Committee, Ms. Aicha Nanette Conté said: “Through this exercise, we understood that together we can achieve results, but also the fact of not being able to identify the contours of certain situations mean that we cannot also achieve results. Today we know exactly the number of indigents in our country. Actions are being taken to improve the conditions of our poor. Also an improvement of our work within the department with a synergy of action from all directions”.

Other ministers are expected on Monday at the Palais de la Colombe by the Evaluation Committee.

The Government Communication Unit.

#ministerial #departments #evaluated #Saturday #Primature #Information #Guinea #world

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