Four years after the Yellow Vests, Fabien Roussel calls to “reoccupy the roundabouts”

by time news

The return of the yellow vests, Fabien Roussel calls for it… or almost. The national secretary of the PCF wanted to encourage employees on Thursday to “unite” and “reoccupy the roundabouts and public space” to demand salary increases in the face of the high cost of living, during the interprofessional demonstration at the appeal of the CGT in Paris.

“I fear that there is a real pressure cooker boiling and that it will explode”, declared the former communist presidential candidate, present at the interprofessional demonstration at the call of the CGT to Paris. “There is a lot of mobilization in many companies, the unions I have met have never recorded so many conflicts in companies, SMEs”, he added.

“There is a real salary problem today, the minimum wage increases in line with inflation but not salaries, that’s why we all need to mobilize in solidarity, that we stick together,” said Fabien Roussel.

Towards a broadening of the movement?

The national day of action organized by the CGT alone does not seem to mobilize much: the authorities foresee 50 to 60,000 demonstrators at the national level. In Paris, as in other cities in France, public transport is however very affected by the social movement, with line closures.

Fabien Roussel however “regretted that we are not all together”. “I hope that others will join this movement (…), let’s unite, let’s be as many as possible, even if it means finding the roundabouts, even if it means reoccupying the public space”, he chanted, four years after the start of the Yellow Vests movement.

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