Fourteen families receive the rental incentive

by time news

2023-04-29 14:34:28

A month and days have passed since the mass movement that took place in Alausí, and according to the National Situation report there are 1,034 people affected, in addition to 163 houses affected and 57 houses destroyed. As it is an emergency caused by the natural phenomenon, the affected families are in shelters or with their relatives, but the urgency to solve their current situation is imminent. Fourteen families receive the rental incentive

Namely. With the earthquake of March 18, they activated a series of bonds that are in charge of ministries such as Urban Development and Housing (Miduvi) and Social and Economic Inclusion (MIES) so that the victims can cover various expenses. In the case of Miduvi, based on the report of the Initial Assessment of Needs (Evin) they deliver the ‘leasing incentive’, said David Mueses, zonal coordinator 3 of this State portfolio.

Situation. So far, 16 families have been given the ‘leasing incentive’ and another twenty-four are in the process of being considered beneficiaries.

Sepal. The total amount they will receive will be 675 dollars in three payments, that is, a monthly payment of 225 dollars that has the function of paying all or part of the housing expenses where the affected people stay. According to Mueses, at 10:00 a.m. they received Evin’s report to begin with the authorization of the bonds that they will deliver.

Requirements. In order for them to be beneficiaries of this bonus, only the owners of the homes that were damaged and are in the affected area will receive the incentive, which goes through a filter, such as proof of ownership, information provided by the Municipality of Alausí. In the same way, this entity already plans a property that is owned by Petroecuador, in which the houses for the affected families will be built.

#Fourteen #families #receive #rental #incentive

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