Fourth dose, Pregliasco: “No to everyone now but destiny is a periodic vaccine”

by time news

Yes to a fourth dose of Covid vaccine for immunosuppressed people“, for which it will technically be a post-primary booster of two doses plus an additional dose. As for a ‘booster booster’ for all,” at this time it is not feasible in terms of acceptance and organization “, as well as not supported by sufficient evidence, as repeatedly reiterated by the European Medicines Agency Ema. Thus the virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, professor at the State University of Milan, comments to Health the green light of the Aifa Technical Scientific Commission to a reminder for severely immunocompromised patients.

But if today the fourth dose is not a realistic prospect for the general population, the expert repeats that “a probable periodicity of vaccination against Covid-19 is a destiny, at least when updated products will be available in the near future” to the new circulating variants of the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2.

So what we will all probably do will not be a fourth dose, but the first of a new vaccine? “The shift – confirms Pregliasco – it will be towards a vaccination approach like the one we have for influenza, based on the recommendation“aimed in particular at the categories at greatest risk.

Pregliasco then explains that “the element of the vaccination obligation aims to consolidate the coverage of the people most at risk as much as possible, therefore it makes sense “the idea of ​​extending the compulsory anti-Covid vaccination for over 50s beyond June 15, as hypothesized by the Undersecretary of Health Andrea Costa. However, the virologist stresses that even with the imposition” it will not be easy convince those who have not yet been vaccinated. Those who haven’t done it yet – the doctor reasoned – is because they really don’t want to do it “.

“We need social pacification – Pregliasco hopes – a return to a normal life, with a progressive relaxation of the stringent elements that we hope will leave room for common sense”. In the meantime, however, there is talk of extending an obligation. “It is not an easy decision – admits the virologist – especially in this moment in which the wind of the ‘all over’ is blowing, which unfortunately is not true because every day it is as if a Boeing crashes”, according to the number of Covid deaths that we still read in the daily bulletins.

“We will have to live with this virus – reiterates Pregliasco – Surely things will improve throughout this spring-summer, but we must consider that a wave, which will not be a wave, but a wave, will return in winter when Sars-CoV-2 will be one of the circulating respiratory viruses. “From this perspective, the expert repeats,” consolidating vaccination coverage makes sense “.

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