Fracture injuries

by time news

## ​Breaking ​and its Injuries: What are the Most Common ‌Ailments ‌for Dancers?

Breaking, a dynamic and energetic urban dance style rooted⁢ in ⁢hip-hop culture, has made its debut at the Paris Olympics. But what are the most common injuries ⁢associated ‍with this physically‌ demanding discipline?

<img width="900" height="600" class="attachment-newpress-featured-large​ size-newpress-featured-large wp-post-image lazyload" alt="Breaking, el baile urbano que llega a los Juegos de París: ¿qué lesiones son las más frecuentes?" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" data-attachment-id="351963" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=" data-orig-size="900,600" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Breaking deporte" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="

Sweden’s Saga Ax train for Breaking B-Girls medal of the Olympic‍ Qualification Series in‌ Budapest. EFE / EPA / Zoltan⁣ Balogh

Like any other physical activity, ⁤breaking is susceptible to injuries. The knees and spine are commonly affected, ⁢according to Dr. Manuela Gonzalez,‌ a sports medicine specialist at the Supreme Sports Council (CSD).

A New ⁢Challenge

Gonzalez notes‌ that breaking is a relatively new⁤ Olympic discipline, and the lack of established medical data on dancer injuries⁣ poses unique challenges. ⁣The ⁢diverse backgrounds and training methods of the athletes‍ further complicate matters.

“It is a completely new ⁤activity in the strict​ sense of medical sports ⁢monitoring. At first, perhaps,⁤ the criteria for this screening are more difficult ⁢for them, ⁤because, after all, they are dancers from cultures⁢ that are ​not related to the field⁢ of regulated physical preparation, that have‌ the rest of the established exercise routines,”⁢ explained​ Gonzalez.

Common Injuries

Knee injuries are particularly prevalent due to the high extension and rotation movements inherent in breaking. Bursitis, an external inflammation caused by contact ​or ⁢blows ‌to the​ knees, is also common.

Other areas prone to⁢ injury include the vertebral ⁤column, ‍ankles,⁢ wrists, and shoulders.

Nutritional ​Considerations

Dr. Gonzalez ⁣emphasizes the ​importance ⁢of a balanced diet ‌for dancers, highlighting the need for ⁢adequate nutrition quality ⁣and quantity. He stresses that unlike other sports, breaking dancers‍ do not require specific⁤ weight or strength requirements.

“Therefore, in principle, the ideal is‌ a good diet to maintain‍ training,” concluded the doctor.

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