France.. About 1,000 cars are burned during the New Year celebrations » Iraq News Agency

by times news cr

Paris – conscious
French Interior Minister Bruno Ritaio said hundreds of thousands of people celebrated the New Year on the Champs-Elysées in Paris with theater and musical performances on the famous street, ending with a fireworks display at the Arc de Triomphe, despite burned almost an hour. a thousand cars.

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Ritayo announced, in a report transmitted by the (INA), that 984 cars caught fire across the country. 420 people were arrested, of which 310 were detained by police.
The Minister described the numbers as unacceptable, and said: “This violence is the result of the brutality of the crowds and the outlaws, who attack the property of the French people, who are often poor people who have no means protect their vehicles. in the private car park.”
Initial reports indicated that the celebration, which was expected to attract around a million people like last year, took place in a mostly calm atmosphere.
Around 10,000 police officers were deployed in the French capital and special security measures were taken to mark the celebration across the main street, which was closed to traffic.

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