France buries two myths: “multiculturalism” and “globalist elites” – Federico Jiménez Losantos

by time news

2023-07-09 07:24:43

The North American and European extreme left, especially the French, created the “multiculturalism” as a superior stage of miscegenation, when it was and is exactly the opposite. Miscegenation, typical of Spanish civilization, supposes the mixture of races and cultures in citizens who take advantage of all cultural sources. Multiculturalism creates ghettos by race, religion, sex or political opinions, denies the concept of citizenship and installs in its place a kind of ancestral right prior to civilization, which would be above individual property and civil rights, replaced by tribal rightssocial class, gender or political opinion.

The excuse of multiculturalism was that it allows the coexistence of races and cultures and guarantees their non-violent relationship. In the US it was a form of “apartheid” in favor of blacks and Hispanics and against whites and Asians, which has been outlawed by the Supreme Court. Although returning to equality before the law will take a long time, because the multiculturalist inquisition in academic centers is firmly anchored. However, both in the USA and in Europe, especially in France, the failure of the multicultural idea and policy is evident: there has never been more racial, religious and political violence, the work of groups that subsidize their difference .

The torpor of the Nation produces monsters

Goya put “The dream of reason produces monsters” as the foot of one of his best engravings. And in view of what is happening in France, it is clear that the torpor induced by idea of ​​nation As the basis of the political community, it has produced the multi-headed monster of those who do not respect the Nation or that “constitutional patriotism” with which some wanted to replace it. The nation as a political subject and base of the State cannot be delegitimized without collapsing the legal building that guarantees individual liberties.

That is why liberals, unlike libertarians, a cheerful university version of liberalism typical of people who live without fear of being killed or robbed, defend the need for the State, limited but strong, in which the monopoly of violence, at the service of the Law, guarantee property and civil peace. In France, as in all the part of Spain dominated by the separatists, there is no State; and the nation as a meeting of all citizens is persecuted, especially its essential, historical mortar and above social classes: teaching in the common language. But when Spanish is persecuted here and in France, schools are burned, we witness the same rebellion against the state to impose in the vacuum left by the law of the strongest, of the horde on the individual. Peripheral separatists here, and internal separatists there, seek to impose their creed without restraint. Here, they hate the equality of the Spaniards before the Law; there, the place where boys and girls are educated as equals, without following the Koran.

When civil society is eclipsed under religion, freedom disappears. If societies of Christian origin have ended up creating liberal democracies, it is because the sacred dignity of the individual, made “in the image and likeness of God”, is completed by “give to God what is God’s and to Caesar what is Caesar’s.” “, the separation of church and state. The path traveled by the West is valued more when compared to that of Islamic countries, which have been -and are- more or less tolerant, but as a concession of political-religious power, not as individual rights.

In France, that civility that there tends to identify, in a sectarian way, with the Republic, is in check, or rather in decline, a regime born of Terror and it does not forget it as a source of legitimacy, unlike North American democracy or European parliamentary monarchies. Nor were they easy to impose against a sacred vision of life and Power, that of the Old Regime, and our Carlist wars prove it.

From the author

But all that laborious and subtle edifice collapses when the root of the State, the legitimacy of violence, is attacked and the internal division of the political community prevents it from actually defending itself. That happens in France, a State that brings together so many singularities in its current social composition that, for intellectual comfort, it is usually settled by condemning illegal immigration and the importation of foreign labor through the globalist elites.

The European bureaucracy and the “globalist elites”

Nothing is easier to believe than the conspiracy of a tiny group of powerful people who plot how to dominate and ruin good people accustomed to a recognized and respectable way of life. that would be the conspiracy of the “globalist elites” whose perfect representative is Macron. That there is a powerful neo-communist movement that with climate change as a shield is destroying agriculture and livestock from the Brussels bureaucracy and with the Agenda 2030 as a catechism it is true. That these elites control or direct the process of widespread immigration and the feudalization of European nation states is, on the other hand, false. Like all collectivisms, the initial push has unwanted effects. And the first is the loss of power to control that social process. If someone perfectly embodies the lack of authority, resources and a strategy in the face of double rebellion, communist and islamist, that’s Macron. There is no one who represents the blandiblú centrism, of a progressive millionaire, like him. And for this very reason nothing shows that what was theorized as globalization is producing just the opposite effect: the feudalization of society.

Therefore, a minimum of intellectual coherence is necessary. It cannot be said that nations like France are being invaded by the onslaught of illegals, cheap labor taking jobs away from the French. when the French have long refused such jobs. If it happens in Andalusia and Extremadura, how can it not happen in Marseille and Paris.

But the monstrous legislation of Brussels against the primary sector of the EU countries is the result of the intellectual scam of the climate and of something not intellectual at all: the corruption of politics by the renewables mafia. It is a small sector that lives off the requalifying pitch of the politicians and that is legitimized by the publicity of the eco-sustainable and the mega-renewable. However, what it produces is not a harsh but efficient society, like the industrial one against Luddite alarmism, but rather an inefficient one like the slave owner. It is a financial bubble that does not obey economic criteria but political ones, image and mass manipulation, not always forced. And you have to fight it for what it is: a strategy of little red men who seek to have their fortune forgiven by pretending to be friends of the planet. That of the apes, because what red environmentalism leads to is economic decline, that is, impoverishment, which also impoverishes the rich.

The rich who promote economic degrowth

The ideological and totalitarian aspects of the 2030 Agenda, about which I have been writing here for years, have been hiding from us what is improvised and ruinous about it, like all social engineering. Neither Macron, nor Bildeberg, nor Bill Gates, nor even Xi Jinping control the mutation of Europe into Eurabia, a process that in France takes seven decades. The same happens in Spain. There are no globalist elites, but a criminal underworld that does not promote globalization, but rather the fragmentation of national states, and not in favor of a New World Order, but rather a disorder that ruins those who pretend to control it and control nothing. . France is the proof. There is no great conspiracy against the West. What there is is a abdication of principles who made the West the beacon of progress and freedom throughout the world. To that we must return or about that we must think. Vegan Freemasonry does not have half a cake. The recovery of the morale of work and effort is much more difficult.


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