France in “state of alert”, restrictions envisaged from March, according to Christophe Béchu

by time news

The minister, who was invited on Franceinfo this Wednesday morning, announced the holding this Thursday of a drought anticipation committee followed by a meeting with all the prefects on Monday.

Guest of the morning of Franceinfo, the Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion Christophe Béchu spoke about the drought situation that France has been experiencing for several months. “It’s the driest winter since 1959recalled the Minister. While precipitation is expected over part of the country this Wednesday, February 22, after 31 days without significant rain, Christophe Béchu declared France “on alert».

In this context, the Minister announced the holding this Thursday of a drought anticipation committee followed by a meeting, Monday, February 27, with all the prefects. “We are going to look at territories by territories where we arehe said. The Minister confirms that restrictive measures “softcould be taken on Monday, applicable from the month of March, “to avoid catastrophic situations” this summer. From a perspective of anticipation, he calls “right now» to make an effort, especially when it comes to filling swimming pools. Announcements confirmed by government spokesperson Olivier Véran, on the sidelines of the Council of Ministers.

To date, 8 departments are affected by a restriction beyond vigilance on at least part of the territory. 4 departments are on alert: Ille-et-Vilaine, Jura, Lozère and Savoie.

AT SEE ALSO – Drought: should we fear a water shortage?

A “large body of water”

The level of underground water reserves is of particular concern to climatologists. The water tables of the Hexagon would indeed have “two months late in terms of filling“, according to Christophe Béchu. “It’s recoverable but we need a rainy month of March, we have two months ahead of uscontinues the minister. On the front line, farmers are also worried. Christophe Béchu wanted to reassure them: “There is no agriculture without water. It would be hypocritical to prevent farmers from producing if it is to import“, he estimated.

And “large body of waterof about fifty measures will be presented in the coming days. The Minister wishesthat we can make more use of wastewater“. Like the energy plans put in place this winter, this future water plan will include a “sobriety», in order to encourage the French to moderate their consumption of drinking water.

AT SEE ALSO – Why repeated droughts threaten France

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