France Inter: comedian Florence Mendez accuses “a (very) close collaborator of Nagui” of harassment

by time news

This Sunday morning, the phones of France Inter executives start ringing. During the night, the comedian Florence Mendez published a press release on her social networks, wishing to explain the reasons for her departure from the show “the Original Band” last spring. “The truth is that I am no longer there because I was the victim of harassment from a (very) close collaborator of Nagui”, she writes, accusing him of having “literally yelled at her on it, so violently that it (him) triggered a panic attack which required the intervention of the Radio France firefighters”.

Facts dating from last March, after a show with Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, nearly eight months before the publication of this press release. This same close friend of the host of “Don’t forget the words” would then have multiplied vexatious behavior towards him during the rest of the season, such as no longer responding to his hellos, refraining “voluntarily from laughing” at his chronicles, to end up not “at all” speaking to him.

If Florence Mendez never names the offending person, all clues lead to Leïla Kaddour, co-host of the show. Contacted, the latter did not wish to comment on these remarks. His entourage, however, denounces “slanderous and defamatory accusations”, “an attempt at manipulation” and “a publicity stunt” to put themselves on the front of the stage.

Joined by us, Florence Mendez specifies on the contrary not to seek to “create the buzz”. She also does not want to “dirty” a channel whose “values” she shares and where she has met “wonderful people”. The Belgian comedian simply explains that she no longer wants to lie to those who ask her why she is no longer on the air. “I need the truth,” she says. I have Autism Spectrum Disorder and my condition makes it difficult for me not to be able to answer this question honestly. » Now a columnist in « Spicy! “, a program on Téva, the comedian highlights above all the suffering that this situation has caused him. “It gnawed at me. I felt like shit,” she says.


Not wishing to participate in a “lynching” or “to deliver another woman to food”, Florence Mendez still does not wish to specify the identity of the respondent. “The problem is bigger than one person. There are people who know and who do nothing, even who tried to convince me that it was normal, ”she justifies. The comic specifies having successively alerted of his situation the editor-in-chief of “the Original Band”, the director of programs of France Inter, the boss of the station, Adèle Van Reeth, as well as a “reporting platform” of Radio France .

On the side of France Inter, we are surprised by these accusations. “As in any professional life, there can be disputes between collaborators”, explains Yann Chouquet, program director of the station, made aware of the altercation between the two women the very day of this one. “We talked about it together and I thought the problem had been solved,” he says. Florence had even told me that she had followed my advice and managed to chat with the team. »

However, after a final column on June 30, 2022, devoted to harassment cases at France Telecom, the Belgian comedian was removed from the show. On this point, the versions diverge. “Florence came to see me beforehand to tell me that she felt that the ‘Soundtrack’ was not the best setting for her humor,” says Yann Chouquet. However, she wanted to stay on the air but in another program on the grid. But we couldn’t find a place for him. “A story denied by the main interested party, who would have liked to stay if the atmosphere had been better. She would also have been led by boat on her fate the following season.

From now on, France Inter wishes to clarify this affair. Adèle Van Reeth, the new director of the radio, asked on Monday that light be shed on this affair after having listened to both parties. “We will now have to recompose the facts, see what is true and what is not, and what could change or be reinterpreted over time”, estimates Yann Chouquet, who does not envisage a suspension of antenna. “That would be drawing premature conclusions,” he defends himself.

The station assured Florence Mendez that she was not “persona non grata” on its antenna. Without committing, she also said she was studying the possibility of using it in a box other than that of “the Original Band”. “I’m very professional,” says the station’s program director. If we find the right space for Florence, we will propose to her. »

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