France Launches HPV Vaccination Campaign for Secondary School Students to Improve Vaccination Rates

by time news

2023-10-03 09:29:29
France Launches HPV Vaccination Campaign for Secondary School Students

France has recently launched a nationwide human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination campaign for all girls and boys in secondary schools across the country. This initiative comes as France has one of the lowest HPV vaccination rates in Europe.

Starting this December, school children will be given the opportunity to receive their first HPV vaccination, with a follow-up dose to be administered six months later. While two doses are required for full effectiveness, it is important to note that HPV vaccinations are not mandatory in France, and parents retain the decision-making power regarding the vaccination for their children.

Health Minister Aurélien Rousseau spoke about the campaign, saying, “This campaign offers secondary school students in the 5th grade a vaccine that prevents up to 90 percent of infections.” The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness and increase the vaccination rate against HPV among the younger population.

According to the French National Cancer Institute, the vaccination rate against HPV in France is alarmingly low. As of 2022, only 41.5 percent of 16-year-old girls had received a full vaccination, while the vaccination rate among boys stood at a significantly lower 8.5 percent.

HPV is often asymptomatic, making it difficult to detect. However, HPV infections can lead to precancerous lesions or cancer of the vulva, cervix, vagina, or anus. To combat these risks, one of the vaccine options available is Gardasil 9.

In September, France’s National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) announced that it would conduct enhanced monitoring of the vaccine’s side effects. ANSM stated that the most commonly reported side effects, such as pain at the injection site or headaches, are generally not serious and resolve within a few days.

This vaccination campaign comes in response to President Emmanuel Macron’s promise in February to improve vaccination coverage against HPV. Each year, these viruses are responsible for more than 6,000 new cases of cancer in France.

A study published in the trade magazine The Lancet in August revealed that almost one in three men worldwide is infected with at least one strain of HPV. Thus, including men in vaccination strategies becomes crucial in preventing the spread of HPV infections.

By launching this campaign, France aims to boost vaccination rates against HPV and protect its younger population from the risks associated with the virus.]
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