France launches human papillomavirus vaccination campaign in schools

by time news

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Pupils at secondary schools in France will be able to get vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV) from next school year. French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday in Jamac, western France, that a vaccination campaign will be launched from the fall for students of the so-called ‘cinquième’ in secondary school, ie 12-13 year olds. According to France Info, an injection will be voluntary.

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There is a multitude of HP viruses, which are transmitted through sexual intercourse. If the immune system is intact, it usually successfully fights the viruses. If that doesn’t work, the infection causes cancer in some people. According to the national cancer institute in France, 4,600 women and 1,800 men in our southern neighbors get cancer every year as a result. Cervical cancer is the most common, but other parts of the body can also be affected in both men and women.

A vaccination can protect against cervical cancer, but can also prevent other diseases. Vaccination is recommended for young people having sex for the first time. According to media reports, only 37 percent of girls and 9 percent of boys in France are currently vaccinated against HPV.

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