France, Macron is preparing to win but it will not be a triumph

by time news

Elections France 2022, to stay at the Elysée Macron (and partner) will now have to shake many hands

In addition to making fewer phone calls to Putin69 years old, Macron will have to say hello Mrs Bridget69 years old, leave the Elysée and shake, until April 24, many hands of the French, who intend to work, with the former minister of Manuel Valls, 59, to unite the country. And, giving up the elegant haute couture suits, the young Emmanuel will have to wear a pullover (albeit cashmere) to convince the millions of voters of Mélenchon, 70, “the red talker”, who hates the President-former follower of Michael Rocard (1930-2016) as Jean-Luc-to vote for him. And not to join the supporters of the challenger, Marine Le Pen54, good friend of Matteo Salvini, 49 years old, paved 5 years ago.

These voters, right and left, are united by protests – similar to those, fiery, of the yellow vests – against the abandonment, by the government, of the peripheries and the marginalized, without social protection, and against measures, insufficient, launched to contain the increase in the cost of living. Macron should be able to block Marine Le Pen’s ascent to the Elysée, which will be voted on by the former voters of the disappointing 63-year-old Zemmour (including her beautiful niece, Marion, 32) and 54-year-old Gaullist Pécresse.

But his will not be a triumph like that, 20 years ago, of Chirac (1932-2019 ‘, which in the second round benefited, against Jean-Marie Le Pen, 94, from the “republican front” and from the votes of all the other parties. And was elected with the record percentage of 82.21%.

Unlike the 2017 presidential elections, France’s exit from the euro is no longer on the agenda of the RN’s passionate blonde. There is no Frexit danger, but the integration of the EU is at risk in the midst of tensions with Russia, whose head hopes the defeat of the Elysée tenant. As Aldo Cazzullo observed in Corriere della Sera, “the sovereign beast roars more than ever”.

But Macron, in the first round, collected the full number of votes, necessary to keep the spirited rival at a distance, increasing the advantage compared to 2017. He has come a long way since then, when Emmanuel created, almost from nothing – while his ex PS sank-in his own image and likeness, a movement, “La République en Marche”, which he defines as “liberal”.

For this distinguished former bank employee and former finance officer of Amiens, at 44, on April 24, the door of the Elysée could reopen for the second time (as for Mitterrand and Chirac). Where, after the spread of the Marseillaise and the Hymn to Joy, the President will relaunch his challenge: “We will be the re-founders of Europe or its gravediggers”.

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