France: Police in the face of widespread devastation call for ‘regime change’ – VP News – ‘forbidden to speak’

by time news

2023-07-01 22:37:27

The events in France will not only have obvious short-term implications, but also long-term ones. Instead, we see simplified observations of very complex problems in the media. All of this takes place in a context of continuing economic, financial and political upheaval. France is at a crossroads.

The King said to his adviser: You see this crowd – Armed with torches and sticks, they stare at us – what to do? The adviser said to the king: tell the boys with sticks that the boys with torches want to burn their sticks – and wait.

The plan seems simple: find two groups that hate each other and let them fight each other… use brute force to restore order and enforce strict laws. Everything goes according to plan.

The current situation in France is more of a coup than what we saw with Wagner in Russia last week, but the Western MSM will never admit it.

Strangely, no mainstream media is calling what is happening in France an attempt at regime change.

Currently in France we are witnessing a growing radicalization on both sides. One of France’s major police unions has sent out a message that could be considered unrealistic, essentially stating that the country is in a state of civil war and that the police are engaged in “resistance” against the government.

Below, we provide a translation of the message: “Enough. Faced with these violent groups, it is no longer enough to ask for peace, it is necessary to impose it! Restoring republican order and ensuring the safety of citizens must be the political priorities. In this extremely difficult situation, the police family must stick together. We, like our colleagues and a large part of the population, can no longer tolerate the tyranny of a violent minority. This is not the time for union initiatives, but for fighting these unwanted individuals. Surrender, surrender and disarmament are not acceptable solutions given the gravity of the situation. We must take all necessary measures to restore the rule of law as soon as possible. We know that, once this goal is achieved, we will have to face again this challenge that has persisted for decades. For these reasons, the Alliance Police Nationale and UNSA Police take responsibility for advising the Government that, if adequate law enforcement protections, adequate provisions, and adequate resources are not provided, the police will consider appropriate measures in response under these circumstances.”

In their message, the police unions say that calls for peace are no longer enough and that order must be imposed. They acknowledge the duty of the police to restore republican order and ensure the safety of the people, emphasizing that citizens, as well as many police officers, can no longer endure the tyranny of violent groups operating as a feral minority.

The unions reiterate that this is not a union issue, but a question of the fight against these “parasites” that undermine the country’s stability and security. They stress the need for the government to take decisive action and provide substantial resources to restore the rule of law. However, they do point out that they are aware that, even once order is restored, it will be important to address the long-standing structural problems that have contributed to this situation.

What emerges from this message from police unions is a sense of distrust and frustration with the government, which is accused of not providing adequate protection and resources to allow the police to do their job. They warn that if concrete steps are not taken, the police will consider taking appropriate resistance action.

Whether this is recognized or not, the transformation of the constitutional republic into a military dictatorship, posing as a democracy, has gone unnoticed by the majority of its citizens. And not only in France.

Paradoxically, the form of violence we observe, indiscriminate and purely destructive, is the only one that manages to escape the government’s strategy to repress dissent and prevent a peaceful revolution. This dynamic has emerged clearly in recent events involving France. Censorship strikes at all the positive forces in society, while jealously protecting its own policies that are generating chaos.

When the full range of human and natural expression disappears, when the union between man and woman becomes indistinguishable, when the advent of transhumanism and mind control seem inevitable, when deviance becomes pervasive and universally accepted, the magic and wonder of the life we ​​know disappear. The world that presents itself is not a place of love, hope and dreams, but a frightening nightmare, and those who promote this human decline have already lost all traces of humanity. One could even define them monstrous, and it is for this reason that we must fight and defeat them without giving in to their own degeneration
“Those who fight monsters should be careful not to become a monster like this. And if you look into the abyss, the abyss will also look at you. (Friedrich Nietzsche)”.

#France #Police #face #widespread #devastation #call #regime #change #News #forbidden #speak

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