France records “one of the lowest harvests” of wheat in 40 years, yields also reduced

by time news

France Faces Lowest Wheat​ Harvest in 40 Years

August 10, 2024 – France is facing its lowest wheat harvest in the past 40 years, with​ estimates suggesting a ⁣reduction of almost 25% compared to the⁤ previous year. This decline, attributed to unfavorable weather conditions, has raised concerns among agricultural organizations.

The‍ French Ministry⁤ of Agriculture​ reported an estimated production of 26.3⁣ million tons of soft wheat, down 25% from 2023 and 23.9% compared ‍to the average of the past five years. ⁤This drastic reduction has​ not been seen since 1987.

“This is a ⁢catastrophic year for French agriculture,” said Arnaud Rousseau, leader of the FNSEA ‍agricultural union.⁤ “We⁣ urge the government to take action to support farmers during this difficult period.”

The poor harvest is attributed to a combination of factors. Heavy rainfall in the autumn hampered planting, and excessive rainfall and lack of sunshine negatively ⁣impacted crop quality. Additionally, the area dedicated to‍ soft wheat cultivation decreased by 11% compared to the previous year.

The​ consequences of this diminished harvest extend beyond just⁤ wheat. Wine production in France is also expected to⁢ decline by 10% to 16% compared to the previous year, due to diseases‍ exacerbated by humidity and weather-related issues.

The French Ministry of Agriculture emphasized that⁤ these figures are preliminary and subject‌ to change as ⁢the harvest is still ongoing. However, the current outlook paints a grim picture of agricultural production in France.

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