France Travail: MP Marc Ferracci renounces to be rapporteur to the Assembly

by time news

2023-07-19 18:20:53

Macronist MP Marc Ferracci announces on Wednesday that he is renouncing the function of co-rapporteur of the bill “for full employment”, after accusations of a potential conflict of interest, which he disputes. “I have been targeted in recent days by a defamation campaign claiming that I would benefit personally from the reform of France Travail. This campaign has been relayed by parliamentarians,” declared the deputy to the Assembly’s Social Affairs Committee.

“Given the legal actions that I have already launched and that I could continue to launch, I wish to be able to defend my probity, my honor calmly and without the opposition taking advantage of it to disrupt the examination of the text” , justified the elected (Renaissance) of the French of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, questioned by the Blast information site for a possible conflict of interest.

The ethics officer of the Assembly, whom he had consulted, had however indicated to him that he could well be rapporteur on the part of the bill dedicated to the rights and duties of job seekers. He was replaced this Wednesday by Christine Le Nabour (Renaissance).

“This gesture honors you”

Blast had affirmed that the evolution of Pôle emploi, tomorrow France Travail, “will personally benefit Pierre Ferracci”, father of Marc Ferracci, as well as the latter, which he rejects. Pierre Ferracci is at the head of the powerful Alpha group, which advises works councils, and Marc Ferracci holds 35% of the shares in his father’s holding company.

“I will always prioritize the general interest over my personal interests. I have worked throughout my professional life to advance work and employment,” underlined Marc Ferracci in front of his colleagues. Several welcomed his decision, including the socialist Arthur Delaporte who had also seized the ethics officer: “this gesture honors you”, he told him. “To deprive oneself of one’s expertise and competence is something that we will miss”, paid tribute to him Philippe Vigier (MoDem). “Beware of men and people,” warned another majority elected official.

#France #Travail #Marc #Ferracci #renounces #rapporteur #Assembly

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