France wants to accelerate the recovery of its public accounts

by time news

2023-04-20 17:34:52

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After years of spending in the name of combating the effects of the pandemic, recovery and measures to mitigate the impact of inflation for the French, the government intends to get back on track. The executive intends above all to reduce its debt and its public deficit more than it announced last year.

The government does not intend to reduce the public deficit by “ dogma “, but by ambition, assures the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal. At his side, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire first evokes a principle of ” responsibility » : « We must imperatively reconstitute our room for maneuver if we were to face a new economic shock tomorrow”.

Second reason: the rapid rise in interest rates signals the end of “free money” and the cost of debt will weigh more and more. Finally, Paris wants to avoid being a bad student of the euro zone in terms of debt reduction: “ France’s European credibility is at stake. To sum up the bottom of my thought, deleveraging is freedom”

Focus on growth

Deleveraging without austerity, promises Bercy. To achieve this, the government is counting on growth, on the exit from the tariff shield on energy and on a cooling of public spending.

All ministries are invited to identify 5% leeway in their budget to finance, among other things, the ecological transition. And a spending review is underway with a view to generating billions in savings. ” At a time when we have just asked our compatriots to make an effort with the pension reform, it is right that all public actors also be involved “, says Bruno Le Maire again.

By 2027, the government is aiming for a debt level of just over 108% against 112.5% ​​forecast last year. All this, he promises, while maintaining a policy of lower taxes.

Read also : The IMF slightly lowers its global growth forecast for 2023

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