franceinfo junior. Two street art artists answer questions from college students

by time news

On the occasion of the “Urban Art Fair”, franceinfo junior hands over the microphone to two street artists, Lek and Sowat. They answer questions from college students.

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Reading time : 1 min.

French street artists Lek and Sowat (left to right) pose in front of their creation at the

The writing of franceinfo junior welcomes Wednesday, April 12 students from the Pierre Dubois college in Laval in Mayenne. They improvise as interviewers for the time of a broadcast, on the eve ofUrban Art Fair which starts in Paris. This is the first international fair dedicated to urban art and our two guests of the day are taking part: the artist duo Lek and Sowat.

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For the occasion, they are repainting the Carreau du Temple where this fair will take place, for which they also created the poster. At the microphone of franceinfo junior, they answer questions from the children of the day.

The show begins with Gaspard’s question: “Why did you start this job?”. The opportunity for the guests to talk about their passion and their journey: “How long does it take you to make a creation, for example a piece of clothing?”, asks Camille in turn. Gaspard again takes the microphone: “Are your works thoughtful or by chance?”, asks the fourth grader.

On this page, you can re-listen to this franceinfo junior program in its entirety, it was recorded as part of the media literacy workshop “La franceinfo junior editorial staff”.

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