France’s bloody colonial crimes and acts of genocide are a stain on humanity

by time news

2023-07-05 16:12:00

In interstate relations, the existence of an atmosphere of trust is essential. If we pay attention to the processes taking place in the world at the present time, we will see that the lack of trust and confidence leads to the tension of events. The reality is that the world today is literally experiencing an international law problem.

Vugar Rahimzadeh, editor-in-chief of “Iki sahil” newspaper, doctor of political sciences, expressed these views in his statement to Trend.

Vugar Rahimzade noted that during the 30-year-long occupation, the state of Azerbaijan demanded from the world’s leading countries and influential international organizations to put aside the policy based on double standards and express a realistic attitude to the events, to define a single mechanism for the implementation of UN resolutions, but neglecting these calls ultimately made war inevitable. did Azerbaijan put an end to 30 years of occupation with its historic victory in the 44-day Second Karabakh War and proved to the world that there are concepts called justice and international law, but their application in time and place opens the way to new conflicts.

Azerbaijan confirmed this important point with its historical victory, that despite the policy of world powers based on double standards and the melting of justice behind interests, when the struggle is based on the norms and principles of international law, when the propaganda is carried out on the basis of historical truths, then justice triumphs in the end. The 44-day Second Karabakh war not only confirmed this once again, but also raised the issue of the need for changes in world politics, one of which is the expansion of the composition of the UN Security Council. Of course, our purpose in reminding them is clear.

In the current period, while ensuring stable peace and security in the region is on the agenda as the main challenge, the fact that some world powers, especially France, still do not give up their policy based on double standards, nurture Armenia as a “spoiled child” and carry out their care in gross violation of justice and international law. doesn’t stay. Since the Karabakh conflict entered history, France has tried to escalate the situation in the region, sometimes stating that the conflict has not been resolved, and sometimes shamelessly accusing Azerbaijan of pursuing a policy of aggression. In fact, it is not worth expecting another position from France, which is rich in historical colonial policy. This kind of policy of French imperialism, which killed millions of people in Africa, Asia and the Arab world, reveals its inner face in its complete nakedness. France’s prejudice against national minorities and religious discrimination have become more open in recent years.

These views were expressed by Vugar Rahimzadeh, the chairman of the Khatai district organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), doctor of political sciences, in his statement to the media.

Vugar Rahimzade noted that the head of state Ilham Aliyev paid special attention to this issue at the Ministerial meeting of the Coordination Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Baku. He said that instead of trying to lecture others, the French authorities should deal with disturbing trends in their own country. France even bans the Corsican language and does not accept the concept of ethnic minorities, but at the same time tries to show itself as the defender of the Armenian national minority in Azerbaijan. This is nothing but hypocrisy and double standards.

The chairman of the YAP Khatai regional organization added that in France, where the largest number of Muslims live in Europe, we have always witnessed insults and protests against Islam. France has a very biased policy and discriminates against ethnic minorities living in this country. It is undeniable that the collection of information about the race, ethnicity and religion of individuals living in France is unequivocally prohibited. These prohibitions do not allow the implementation of effective mechanisms to prevent and take countermeasures against persistent discrimination. Although official statistics of crimes committed on the basis of hatred of other religions are not kept, bans against the country’s Muslim population, black French, other ethnic and religious groups, especially Muslims, are increasing, religious schools are being closed, associations are being canceled, mosques are not allowed to be built, imams are being expelled from mosques, and the ban on the hijab is expanding. , under the name of freedom of expression, the beliefs held by Muslims as sacred are insulted. This once again shows that moral and religious discrimination tendencies are increasing in France, and the thesis of the clash of civilizations is being promoted.

Vugar Rahimzadeh also said that President Ilham Aliyev drew attention to the recent killing of a 17-year-old Algerian teenager by the French police and said that this is another sign of racism and Islamophobia in that country. It was also noted that in this regard, we support the UN statement condemning the police shooting and calling on France to “seriously address the deep problems of racism and discrimination in law enforcement.” In France, persistent and widespread racist and discriminatory comments against certain ethnic minorities, especially in the media, on the Internet, and racially hateful speeches by officials and members of both houses of parliament are on the rise. An apology to the millions of people whose ancestors were subjected to colonial policies, enslaved, killed, tortured and humiliated would not only be an acknowledgment of France’s historical guilt, but would also help to overcome the consequences of the deep political, social and humanitarian crisis France is facing after the brutal killing of an Algerian teenager. .

The head of the YAP Khatai regional organization emphasized that Islamophobia in France was formed as a result of the historical colonial policy of this country and became more widespread with the racist policy of the Macron government. The values ​​that unite the country with France, which does not spare its political and military support to Armenia, are aggression, separatism, xenophobia, terrorism, and appropriation of wealth belonging to other nations. With this, France not only defends Armenia, but also justifies its colonial policy. In his speech, the head of state, Ilham Aliyev, drew attention to this statistical figure that during the reign of France, which was full of genocides, about 1.5 million Algerians were killed. The skulls of Algerian freedom fighters are still kept as war trophies in a Paris museum. This is a shameful and disgusting act. The President of the country also pointed out that France should apologize to African, Southeast Asian and other countries that are members of the Non-Aligned Movement for its colonial past, bloody colonial crimes and acts of genocide.

Vugar Rahimzade made such a generalization that the essence of the important international events held in our country are the principles of kindness, unity, and cooperation. In these events, calls for humanism are addressed to the world community. Like other speeches of the head of state, Ilham Aliyev, the speech of the Coordination Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement at the ministerial meeting held in Baku was memorable for its serious messages to Armenia and France, which is deepening the atmosphere of mistrust in the world with its dual policy. Some world powers, like France, who try to sacrifice justice and international law for their abominable policies, have to accept the reality that they have their own values ​​to learn and practice.

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