France’s energy policy is taking shape with a lot of texts

by time news

2023-11-23 11:11:45

Couple Elsa Bembaron

Published yesterday at 6:25 p.m., Updated 4 hours ago

The deployment of renewable energies is one of the strategic areas of development. anatoliy_gleb /

A public consultation on these subjects has been launched. France is betting on both nuclear and renewables.

This Wednesday, the government is submitting for public consultation a document presenting the main directions of our country’s energy policy. The strategic objectives and the means to achieve them are known. First of all, it is about working to end France’s energy dependence on fossil fuels. The levers are diverse: sobriety – not to be confused with degrowth –, the electrification of uses, but also the use of alternative means of producing heat such as geothermal energy or even the 100% use of biogas in 2050 to replace natural gas etc. Concretely, this implies, for example, an increase of 10% in electricity production in 2030 and 55% in 2050, a doubling of low-carbon heat by 2030 compared to 2021, or even the end of power plants in coal in 2027.

Energy efficiency and efficiency also play a driving role in controlling energy consumption. Changes in use, such as the replacement of conventional gas boilers with heat pumps or thermal vehicles with electric ones, naturally lead to reductions in iso-performance consumption due to much better efficiencies. “These objectives are consistent with each other. Changing one parameter would have a direct impact on the others», recalls the entourage of Agnès Pannier-Runacher, the minister of energy transition.

Nuclear and renewable energies

The revival of nuclear power is the keystone of the system, with a deliberately cautious production objective set at 360 terawatt hours per year for the current fleet. The construction of 6 new EPR 2 has been completed, that of 8 additional EPR 2 will be discussed in 2026. Added to this is the desire to have at least one prototype of a small innovative reactor (SMR) in 2030. Renewable energies complement the system, with the objective of 18 GW of installed capacity for offshore wind power in 2035, “ i.e. the equivalent of 6 EPR2 reactors » and more than 75 GW for solar in 2035. The current rate of deployment of onshore wind power must be maintained. On the subject, the government is walking on eggshells, between the need to support the sector and the fear of offending local elected officials and potential voters. These developments are accompanied by the need to strengthen electricity networks, to respond to new, much more dispersed modes of production.

But be careful, energy sovereignty does not mean that the country must live in self-sufficiency. “This would weigh on the purchasing power and competitiveness of businesses”, underlines the document. The scenario presented “predicts that France will cover 100% of its electricity needs while strengthening its electrical interconnections».

This document on the orientations of energy policy is a milestone for the French energy and climate strategy (SFEC) before three texts awaited for many months see the light of day. Starting with the bill on Energy Production, which should be presented to the Council of Ministers in early 2024. It concerns, as its name indicates, energy production, prices and consumer protection. and should replace the energy climate programming law (LPEC). A draft decree establishing the French Multi-Annual Energy Program (PPE) is expected ” in the next weeks “. This text was initially scheduled for last June. The National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC) for 2030 completes everything. It must define a trajectory for reducing greenhouse gas emissions until 2050 and set short and medium-term objectives in all sectors of activity via carbon budgets adopted by decree.


#Frances #energy #policy #shape #lot #texts

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