Francis Lalanne sentenced after an incident with his partner

by time news

800 euro fine. It is the sentence that Francis Lalanne has just received this Monday, at the end of a weekend in police custody. Saturday, the singer who had converted a few years ago into a megaphone for yellow vests, had been placed in police custody at 10:30 p.m. for “moral harassment” after an incident with his companion. The latter, aged 24 and with whom he had a little girl now aged three, would have expressed her decision to separate from him and would have asked him to leave the accommodation of which she is the tenant in title. Francis Lalanne, 64, allegedly refused, stole his partner’s cell phone and defaced the lock of his apartment.

According to our information, during his hearing in police custody, Francis Lalanne acknowledged the facts and became aware of the situation of rupture with his companion. The prosecution ultimately did not retain the charges of violence and harassment of a spouse, opting for a criminal composition procedure which resulted on Monday in the fine of 800 euros for Francis Lalanne and a ban on coming to the home. of his ex-girlfriend.

A successful singer in the 80s and 90s, with hits like “We will meet again”, Francis Lalanne had seen his career decline sharply in the early 2000s, describing himself as a kind of homeless man living in his car before leaving. find the way to the stage for a few tours. It was through the yellow vests movement that he came back into the news, posing as one of their defenders and even standing for election, without much success, while adopting anti-vaccine positions during the Covid crisis.

On February 6, he announced in an interview broadcast on C8 that he wanted to end his career definitively by playing the clown during a show with Dieudonné next April at the Cirque d’Hiver. Information denied by the managers of the Cirque d’Hiver according to the StreetPress site.

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