Franco-German plea against the Biden plan

by time news

The French Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, and his German counterpart, Robert Habeck, on February 7, in Washington. Bernd von Jutrczenka/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

The Mayor and Habeck defend cooperation, without naivety, with the United States on green industry.


Volodymyr Zelensky, expected Thursday in Brussels, after London and Paris risks relegating the other issues of the European summit to the background. This does not prevent Europe’s response to the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act), this American plan of massive support for the green industry accompanied by 370 billion dollars in subsidies, from being on the agenda. . The Heads of State and Government of the Twenty-Seven will have to decide on the response proposed by the European Commission to this plan voted by Congress this summer, which Emmanuel Macron had judged “aggressiveduring his visit to Washington in December. If the Member States are beginning to take the measure of the disruptive character of the IRA, several are reluctant to the idea that Europe opens wide the floodgates to State aid. Italy, but also the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria or the Nordic countries fear that the subsidies will mainly benefit companies from the two economic heavyweights of the EU, Germany and France

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