François Bayrou “ready” to be a candidate in 2027

by time news

He still believes in it. MoDem boss François Bayrou opened the door to a candidacy for the 2027 presidential election this Sunday. “I have always been ready”, he argued on Radio J, recalling having “already been a candidate three times” in 2002, 2007 and 2012.

“I am a full-fledged citizen. And have I ever renounced exercising this citizenship? No,” he added. “I think France is doing badly and I think it could be doing very well. And so I will do everything I can in all deadlines and all necessary functions. »

“Mobilize all available forces”

The current High Commissioner for Planning, an ally of Emmanuel Macron since 2017, will be 76 years old in 2027. “What I see coming is, by its gravity, such that it should mobilize all available forces, all intelligence available and all wishes available. That’s the side I’m on,” he continued.

Worried about the geopolitical, economic and social context, the mayor of Pau also questioned the holding of the elections in 2027. “We don’t know anything about it. We don’t know what can happen”, he declared, referring to “the incredible difficulty of the times”, before concluding: “If you think that any zozo can say 5 years at the advance what will happen, then you are not mistaken, these are all charlatans. »

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