François Braun implements his recommendations from the “flash” mission

by time news

The new Minister of Health will be able to apply his ideas. François Braun said on Sunday that he had instructed the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) to deploy the recommendations of the “flash mission” on emergencies that he himself had commissioned, before entering government.

With this “operational” toolbox”, “the territories have, until the end of September, a series of new levers to guarantee a response adapted to the health needs of the French”, indicates the Minister in a statement. “These levers make it possible to support new cooperation between professionals (…); to recognize the additional commitment of professionals to increase the care time available; to support the arduous nature of night work, particularly in hospitals”.

A “major communication campaign” to come

François Braun also underlines that the necessary regulatory texts will be published “in the first days of this week”. They concern for example “the revaluation of night work in the hospital from July 1, the terms of remuneration of the liberal professionals mobilized for the regulation at the Samu”.

These new measures “will be supported by a major communication campaign allowing the French to understand the new levers and to better orient themselves in the health system”, adds the minister. “In particular, educational messages will be broadcast to encourage the French to call 15 before any trip to the emergency room, in order to be better oriented towards a care offer adapted to their needs”.

Temporary measures

Essentially, the measures are “temporary: barring exceptions, their implementation has been validated by way of derogation, for a fixed period of three months”. But the Minister recalls that this “summer plan” will be evaluated throughout its deployment. “The effect of the measures will be precisely measured (…), before considering, if necessary, their sustainability or their generalization by “traditional” mechanisms (regulatory texts, contractual negotiation, etc.)”

On June 30, before being appointed minister, the emergency physician commissioned by Emmanuel Macron, had submitted to the government of Elisabeth Borne 41 proposals to overcome a “high risk” summer in the emergency services. The flash mission recommended “regulating admissions”, either with “paramedical triage at the entrance” to emergencies, or by “systematic prior medical regulation” by the Samu telephone switchboard. It also required budgetary efforts for hospital staff, with a revaluation of night work and the July 14 and August 15 bridges, as well as a bonus for psychiatric, pediatric and gynecological emergency teams.

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