François Braun wants to “change the profession” of nursing

by time news

2023-05-12 21:05:58

The date was not chosen at random. François Braun, the Minister of Health, took advantage of International Nurses Day this Friday to launch a process of reform of nursing training and the profession, which he hopes to see completed by the start of the 2024 school year. we need to modify the skills, to modify the practice” of the profession, explained the Minister, citing in particular the growing priority given to prevention.

He marked the start of the process with a seminar on Thursday and Friday on the “refoundation of the nursing profession”, in which 31 members of the profession participated, but not the unions and the Order of Nurses. This “co-construction” seminar was intended to “seek ideas”, according to the minister’s office, but “everyone will have their place” in the subsequent discussions.

The suspicious nurses

Faced with the chronic shortage of doctors, the government is firing on all cylinders to relieve them of tasks that can be done by others, particularly nurses. François Braun’s ambition is to review the “decree of acts”, which strictly frames the acts that nurses can perform, to introduce “missions”, in a less rigid framework and leaving more possibilities for adjustment in according to needs.

An evolution supported by the president of the Order of Nurses, Patrick Chamboredon, who welcomed “the announcement of the opening of work on the transition from a decree of acts to a decree of missions”, a request of the Order “for many years”. But it arouses the mistrust, even the hostility of several organizations of nurses, who fear a disruption of the distribution of roles between caregivers.

Fighting student dropout

Daniel Guillerm, president of the FNI (national federation of nurses, main union of liberal nurses) warned against “the crushing of the decree of acts”, while saying he was in favor “of backing it up with “missions ” ” in certain areas such as prevention or public health. “The shortage of medical and nursing staff cannot be compensated for by new distribution of tasks and missions”, tackled the CGT Health and Social Action, which is calling for increases in staff and remuneration to make the profession more attractive.

With regard to training, the government wants to face the paradox of a high dropout rate for nursing students in the first year (10%), while this training is the most requested by high school students on Parcoursup (90,000 requests l year, for 38,000 training places today). Young people who drop out probably “do not find the training they expected” and see “a discrepancy between the training and what they see on the ground”, explained the minister this week on CNews. International Nurses Day on Friday was also marked by a strike by nurse anesthetists (IADE), who fear that their special status in the profession will be dissolved in current and future reforms.

#François #Braun #change #profession #nursing

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