François Gabart gives an appointment this night to “insomniacs and carto addicts”

by time news

Video – The skipper of the SVR Lazartigue trimaran battles with Charles Caudrelier at the head of the Ultims category. Waiting for a night that he announces both calm and restless.

All smiles and fresh as fish just out of the water. François Gabart sent a video ashore in which he appears to be in great shape. And the skipper of the SVR Lazartigue trimaran announces that the night from Friday to Saturday will be far from restful between Portugal and the Azores. And more fun to make an appointment with insomniacs and cartography addicts giving the position of boats.

«It’s cloudy a little, there’s a lot of sea but on camera it never makes the sea and we’re going to a windless area, he details the mischievous smile. We will try to cross it as quickly as possible. So if you liked the tour of Guadeloupe 4 years ago with all its breathtaking suspense (it had been overtaken by Francis Joyon and beaten by 7 minutes) well, we will do the same with the Battle of the Atlantic. Tonight while you sleep peacefully, we’re going to change the sail, tack in one direction and the other. In short, it will go slower than the last few hours. We will try to do the best. And if you’re an insomniac and carto addict, this is your night. Go tchao tchao, see you later. »

Less than 5 km apart

The appointment is made but while waiting for this Friday in the 4 p.m. classification, François Gabart took the lead in the race just ahead of Charles Caudrelier (Maxi Edmond de Rothschild) rid of his cumbersome penalty but not his best enemy (even if the controversy was put on hold during the race). At the 5 p.m. check-in, Caudrelier took over the controls in a beautiful naval battle which could well be played out in the change in the wind to come, unless it lasts as far as the shores of Guadeloupe.

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