François Ruffin Criticizes Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s Strategy, Claiming LFI is Abandoning Parts of France

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Between François Ruffin and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the break is complete.

Deputy François Ruffin lamented on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, on BFMTV and in Le Nouvel Obs that La France insoumise is “abandoning” part of the country and “building walls” instead of building bridges.

Response to Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s Strategy

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of La France insoumise, was filmed on Saturday, September 7, during a demonstration, explaining to activists that “we must mobilize the youth and the neighborhoods.” “That’s where the mass of people who have an interest in leftist politics are. Everything else, we let go, it’s a waste of time,” he was heard saying.

For the release of his new book Itinerary. My France in Full, Not Half, François Ruffin, who broke with La France insoumise during the legislative elections, criticizes “a left that has renounced” and has chosen “the abandonment” of part of the population.

Faced with an extreme right that builds walls between the true French and the not really French, an extreme right that builds walls between the true France of the bell towers and the bad France of the neighborhoods, (…) should the left build other walls or build bridges?

François Ruffin

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Leafleting by Appearance in 2022 According to François Ruffin

In Le Nouvel Obs, François Ruffin explains that he conducted leafleting by appearance in the northern neighborhoods of Amiens during the 2022 Presidential election, and felt shame about it. According to the Picard, offering a leaflet with Jean-Luc Mélenchon to a potential racially diverse voter of La France Insoumise was synonymous with “almost guaranteed success” as the name Insoumis is “universal.” In contrast, faced with other potential non-racially diverse voters, the name of the LFI leader became “a barrier.” According to François Ruffin, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had “bet everything on the youth and the working-class neighborhoods” and “neglected the rest” in 2022.

“He Essentializes Entire Regions”

Because for the insubordinate leader, “the territories that voted for the RN never accepted democracy and the Republic,” François Ruffin continues in Le Nouvel Obs.

He essentializes entire regions, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Picardy, the ‘Red South’, (…) He chooses abandonment and divides France into ‘segments’,” laments the deputy from Somme.

For François Ruffin, “it is a choice of defeat,” “a bit in continuity” with the Socialist Party “which said the workers, it’s lost,” referencing the 2011 think tank Terra Nova report.

While we had built our stance against this Terra Nova report, to say that we must continue to seek them out, and want to unite the country, well, there has been an opposite choice made for two years (by LFI, editor’s note), which is to speak to the country halfway and not entirely.

François Ruffin

He also believes that if no one else at LFI talks about this issue, it’s because of “fear.” “There is no place (at LFI, editor’s note) to debate, discuss, contradict, exchange and overcome contradictions.”

Several LFI deputies have condemned his remarks. “Ruffin is not a comrade,” wrote deputy Aurélien Saintoul on X. “The archetype of a politician,” adds his colleague Paul Vannier, while Sébastien Delogu finds him “pathetic.”

With AFP.

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