Frank Perozo: “You can’t imagine what the financial part of a marriage affects”

by time news

In addition to being gifted for love, Frank Perozo also accumulates experience in separations. In his case, he attributes the causes of his love breakups to his insecurities, although as regards Miss Universe Denise Quiñones, her financial situation at the time, at the end of 2011, greatly influenced her.

“Denise and I honestly think money played a big part, and my insecurities. I was very destroyed emotionally and financially,” Perozo said in an interview conducted by the communicator Ovandy Camilo on the Youtube program “Almost a Late Night”.

Then he added: “You cannot imagine what the economic part affects in a marriage, is 80 percent of all divorces in the world.

When recounting about his coexistence with Denise, he recalled: “I had taken out an apartment where she and I lived, my first house, that was in a period of six months there was a mortgage crisis, that the interest rates rose to an abysmal thing that I paid 20 thousand and I ended up paying 60 for the same apartment, where I was financially destroyed, even though I was nominated for awards and famous.”

Perozo said that because he moved Denise to the Dominican Republic “I felt obliged to provide as a man and I was self-flagellating, my dad had to give me money (to survive), that was destroying my security as a man, it was destroying me with it to such an extent that I said that -this girl is going to leave me because I don’t even have anything to fill the fridge with”.

The former Miss Universe had ended a relationship with René Pérez, Resident, of Calle 13, “a guy with all the money in the world, and he comes to mess with a Dominican, actor, to sleep in a room with a mattress on the floor and we didn’t even have a room set, that pod to me personally, in the subconscious it was affecting me like a man because I couldn’t provide. The economic part, and those insecurities in me and those conflicts began to arise in the couple.

Another of Perozo’s known loves is the tourist businesswoman Dominique Colussi, whom he defined as “a great woman, a tourism entrepreneur, with impressive values, a wonderful family. For me, it is one of the best experiences I have had in my life.”

His reflection: “We both know that we made the decision to get married very quickly. I had never met, I met you today and after six months we got married. It was very euphoric, it was very passionate, we both had the same needs, but one of the relationships most beautiful that I have had in my life and for which I will be most grateful”.

Did you have an affair with Nashla, a relationship? asked Ovandy Camilo. Her response: “Yes, but many years ago, she was a child, when she was starting her career.”

In her words, Nashla was first a friend “and she continues to be a friend, I’m never going to classify her as my partner.”

His explanation is as follows: “We had an intermittent relationship, adolescent, young, children, neither of us had anything in mind. But the love of the profession, of the career, the hunger that we both had to do it every one in his area, we gave each other a lot of feedback, that it was not even something sexual, that it was not even something romantic, it was something of friends, what we are today. And I have had the happiness of developing with that young lady one of the the most solid relationships that exist in the middle, of friends, and I dare say that it is one of the healthiest I have had in my professional life, the healthiest I have ever had, we are confident in many things”.

his bachelorhood

Frank Perozo is a great expert on love. His conquests are on film and range from Nashla Bogaert, Denise Quiñones and Dominique Colussi even dolls without faces, or anonymous women. He is now single. For six months he has been in a healing therapy and then he will see if over time he lets himself be smitten by Cupid again.

Meanwhile he has something very sure: “Right now I don’t want to bring women who are just pretty into my life, women who don’t have much to contribute to me”.

Frank Perozo cited several factors for being single: “By personal decision, for emotional health, for suggestions from my doctors, because my last relationship did not work out and because I need to have time for myself, to grieve, to comply with that process, I had never done it.”

The actor’s routine when a relationship ended was to get another one. “He had more than ten years having one relationship after another.”

According to his reflections, “pride, that male that lives in me, that ego, did not allow me to understand loneliness, which is one of the most wonderful things in the world, I was terrified and afraid of loneliness and I always I got into relationships that perhaps weren’t the most convenient, but because of my emotional needs many times I couldn’t have a relationship well”.

Despite his love breakups, Perozo feels “a very lucky man to have been accepted in those hearts.”

For him, “they are wonderfully special women, very noble women who always cared about me. They took care of me, they loved me, they were always there with me, women with wonderful qualities, all of them, but in the end each one is different and things don’t they worked”.

His current therapy process feels fruitful: his doctor advises him “to stay calm for a while. I am spending much more time with my son, my mother, my father, my friends. It is a process and you see the results”.

His advice now is that “to make the decision of a serious relationship with a person you have to wait for the excitement that the initial moment entails to subside”, calling for them to take things easy and give time to determine.

“My biggest mistake has been wanting to start a relationship with someone with only one of the qualities that I value in a person when there must be at least five qualities that are really solid to maintain a relationship,” he said.

Among his observations, for the proper functioning of a couple are family values, “how that person values ​​his family; the financial part, sex is very important, his philosophy of life, how he thinks, and very important communication, tolerance, patience, and how that person knows how to fight, not fight to fight for the other person, but when you are arguing in a debate that is important to me in a relationship because in all relationships you are going to have a discussion”.

More expanded: “When you argue with a person, you realize if that person has the maturity to lead a debate, if he is a person who knows how to admit his mistake if he has been wrong, if he has the ability to ask for forgiveness, there are many factors that come into play. I play when you argue with a person, for me it is important that the woman who walks with me knows how to argue, that when something unfair happens, something you don’t like happens, that you didn’t throw away the trash (for example), how you talk to that person, how that person approaches you, that it is not a controlling, manipulative way, that does not want to victimize itself, that tells you things with love, the quality of the communication influences a lot”.

Perozo says that in the past he has garnered many negative qualities “such as jealousy, egos, controlling, but they are also very manipulable, I am very codependent, they manipulate me easily, I understand that I can change the other person, I had made those mistakes in all my relationships “.

Also “there comes a time when I am not very affective, I am dry; I have not been a very detailed man, I have been a very insecure person for many years.”

your depression

During the interview with the communicator Ovandy Camilo on the “Casi un Late Night” program, he spoke openly about his problem of insecurity, jealousy, anxiety and depression, and how all this affected his sentimental and personal relationships.

Regarding her fight against depression and anxiety, a disease she suffered for many years, she said that she has now overcome it with professional help. In her reflection, the closest thing to death is a depression when you hit rock bottom.

“I want to be an ambassador for the fight against depression in the country”, were the words of the actor, after explaining his interest in this matter, since he considers that there is a taboo that going to the psychologist is for people who have mental problems.

However, four in ten individuals currently suffer from depression and seeking help early can make great citizens, he added.

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