Frankenstein smiles at Tamames

by time news

The problem is not that Tamames is not right, it is that this motion of censure is not serious. In a liberal democracy where respect for the spirit and the letter of the law is kept, a constitutional figure such as the motion is not wasted. This is especially so when the person presenting it alleges that the situation is bad and that extreme solutions are urgently needed. The answer, therefore, must be in line with the argument, and not cheer up the censured as it will happen.

Vox had the occurrence of the motion to gain prominence in its opposition to sanchismo after the fiasco in Andalusia and the frightened sound of Macarena Olona. It is understood, but the solution to an internal problem can never be at the expense of the image of the institutions. It is not patriotic or responsible.

The victory of Moreno Bonilla’s PP by an absolute majority made Vox irrelevant in Andalusia. The possibility of this solution spreading scared Abascal a lot. If the popular ones became the most effective option to kick out the PSOE, the Vox project would go down the drain.

The “voxists” began to stumble. They brought out all the artillery against Feijóo to make it clear that his PP was the same as the PSOE. “Only Vox remains” they repeated insistently on the networks with that tiresome victimist and visionary tone. Rocío Monasterio, desperately, put on Ayuso’s little show and refused to approve the regional budgets. The idea was to show the difference with the PP, to regain a pulse and for people not to forget that Vox, in her opinion, preserves the essence of the cultural battle against the left.

In this drift, the “eggheads” of Vox had a “brilliant idea”. To build the image that the real confrontation is between Sánchez and Abascal, an “independent” candidate had to be presented. This is how a “national proposal” would be heard, they thought, in the face of the sectarianism of the president. They polled several retired politicians, who refused, and then the occurrence came out of sheer dismissal. In the end, such an absurd plan was left that it is difficult to approach it seriously.

Let’s think about one thing: if Tamames gave that leaked speech with intention being a Cs deputy – which is what hits him – Vox would criticize him harshly. There is nothing in the conference that the professor is going to give us that fits with the ideology of Abascal’s formation. I refer to the basic axes of Vox: national unity with the rejection of autonomies, the fight against “gender ideology”, and the culture of life against the culture of death. The rest of the issues, such as ecology, do not move the Vox electorate today.

Nor is the candidate going to present a “national proposal”, but exclusively personal. He will say that the situation in Spain is intolerable in his personal opinion, with which many may agree, and he will call for early elections. If that speech had been the result of consensus among various formations, such as the PP, Vox, Cs, UPN and others, and not the summary of Tamames’s next book, it would still make sense. That dissociation between the candidate’s proposal and the procedure and sense of a motion; What’s more, between Tamames’s speech and the one that Abascal will make, he gives a clear notion of clumsiness.

Meanwhile, the leaders of the PSOE and Podemos dispute the glory of the day. Everyone wants to show off in the response to the motion. Some ask for prominence because they are women, like Belarra and Montero, despite the fact that they do not know how to define women. Others are already preparing the battery of insults and laughter. Sánchez will have to contain his aggressive and mocking parliamentary style when he addresses Tamames, and he will loosen up against the opposition. Two days of general grotesque await us, and happy for Frankenstein

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