Free colon cancer self test – How the program will “run”. – 2024-04-05 06:56:53

by times news cr

2024-04-05 06:56:53

The president of EODY, Christos Hatzichristodoulou, talks to “K” about the schedule, beneficiaries, exceptions, contacts with the Region’s gastroenterologists, and the hospitals to which those citizens who need to have a colonoscopy should go

The news that as part of the prevention of colon cancer, free self-tests for screening will begin to be distributed from next June, to all citizens aged 50 to 70 years, is valued as a very positive move by the medical community, given that the Greece will now follow a practice of prevention, which is applied by most European countries.

It is noted that colon cancer is the deadliest cancer for men under the age of 50 and the second deadliest cancer among women in the same age group, after breast cancer. Its frequency has been increasing over the last two decades.

Speaking to “K”, the president of EODY, Christos Hatzichristodoulou, explains that the free test will be given to citizens between 50 and 70 years old every two years.

“Citizens will be notified either by sms or by immaterial prescription. Positive tests will be followed by a colonoscopy.”

Describing the plan that the organization is working on, he says that “citizens will be notified either by SMS or through an immaterial prescription. Positive tests will be followed by a colonoscopy. There will of course be some groups that will be excluded because the test is not indicated in their case – for example citizens who have hemorrhoids”.

According to Mr. Hatzichristodoulou, the free self tests are one parameter of an overall program of the Ministry of Health for the prevention of colon cancer.

“We expect to start distributing the tests from next June. Since this is a more comprehensive project, we are currently working on how to cooperate with the gastroenterologists of the Region, to which hospital institutions the citizens will go who will then have a colonoscopy, to which vulnerable groups we will first start distributing the free tests, etc.,” explains Mr. Hatzichristodoulou.

Easy and reliable screening
Maria Gazoulis, Professor of Biology, Genetics – Nanomedicine, of the Faculty of Medicine, EKPA, states in her turn, that it is imperative that the cancer in question be detected in time.

“This practice of screening with self tests is already applied by many countries. France has included the test in its program and mails it to citizens, a practice that Belgium has also implemented since 2013. Colon cancer is a global problem. It is the second most common cancer in women and the third most common cancer in men,” she commented speaking to “K”.

According to Ms. Gazoulis, the basic control and reference test for colon cancer is clearly the colonoscopy.

“It is an exam that requires preparation and is generally not “liked”, as a result of which many citizens keep postponing it. In the end, many do it when it’s already too late.”
However, as he underlines, “since it is an exam that requires preparation and is generally not “liked”, many citizens keep postponing it. Thus, a significant percentage does it when it is already late. Well, we need more prevention methods, easy and simple, like the test. In essence, it is a method of immunological examination to detect “hidden” blood in the feces. This self-diagnostic test is very accurate. In Europe, screening starts at 50 years, while in America the limit has dropped to 45 years. We are talking about a cancer which, if detected early, can be treated very effectively. That is, if it is detected in the polyp stage, then it will be removed and the patient will continue his life normally.”

According to Mrs. Gazoulis, this initiative is part of a wider plan of the European Union, which recommended to all its member states to implement prevention programs for the most common cancers that European citizens suffer from, which are cancer colon, breast cancer, cervical cancer and stomach cancer.

“We are talking about a cancer which, if detected early, can be treated very effectively. That is, if it is detected in the polyp stage, then it will be removed and the patient will continue his life normally.”
The Fofi Gennimata program is already “running” for breast cancer, which enables women to have free mammograms, while efforts are being made to strengthen HPV vaccination with free vaccination for children aged 10 and over.

There is another important parameter as the professor explains: “With the self tests, residents from the Region, in mountainous villages for example or on islands, who do not have easy access for a colonoscopy examination will be able to be checked.

It is noted that a screening test is already available in pharmacies. Pharmacist Konstantinos Kakonikos tells “K” that he has a test with very high quality characteristics which is sold for 10.73 euros. According to him, these tests do not currently have much “mobility”, in fact he does not sell more than five per month. Citizens buy them either on the recommendation of their doctor, while some others have become aware of their existence through personal research.


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