”Free entry to the Pantheon for Romans is my idea”

by time news

”Iwent to the Pantheon payment? I was one of the actors in this deal and I introduced the element of gratuity for the Romans”. This is what the Undersecretary for Culture reveals Vittorio Sgarbi to time.news, commenting on the agreement signed yesterday between the Ministry of Culture and the Diocese of Rome. According to the provisions of the new agreement on the Regulation of use of the basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres in Rome, an entrance ticket will be introduced for an amount not exceeding 5 euros, the proceeds of which will be divided as follows: 70% in favor of the MiC and 30% in favor of the Diocese of Rome. Children under the age of 18, protected categories and teachers accompanying school groups will be exempt from payment, as is already the case for museums, while children up to 25 will pay just 2 euros. For the Undersecretary of Culture model”
better and ”that I have in mind – he explains – that I would apply in every Italian museum is made up of three levels: resident, Italian and foreign. The foreigner pays the full cost of the ticket, perhaps with some adjustments, 15 or 20 euros, the Italian pays half and the resident of the city pays nothing. Since it seems impossible to enter museums in Italy for free – adds Sgarbi – those who come to Rome to visit the Pantheon will pay the ticketinstead those who go there to understand some aspects of own story and his own cultural identity, he won’t have to pay. I have always been in favor of museum free – he admits – but at least with this formula, admission to the museums will remain free for Italian citizens”, he concludes.

(at Alisa Toaff)

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