Free Palestine, from the river to the sea

by time news

2023-12-22 22:39:49

We publish this article from Crisis Magazine. It is a digital magazine, which was born with the objective of presenting a new leftist reference in Ecuador. With this publication on the Palestinian struggle we began and finalized a collaboration between the two media, through the exchange of articles.

The continuum of genocide against the Palestinian people has shown how the pedagogy of cruelty is impeccably applied. In less than 8 days, the average number of children murdered in Gaza went from 1 child every 10 minutes to 1 child every 5 minutes. It is painfully real that Palestine has become the largest children’s cemetery in the world, with the Zionism of the State of Israel as its bloodthirsty executioner.. Likewise, more than 1,700,000 Palestinians have become, once again, exiles in their own land, in a phenomenon rarely seen, where a person who already had refugee status is forced to move once again. , to become double refugee due to a new colonial attack. The process of forced depopulation that the Israeli Defense Forces carry out, together with the permanent massacres, exemplifies Zionist fascism at its maximum expression.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflictas we have already been remembering, has its beginning at the moment of signing the Balfour agreement in 1917in which he established Palestine as the territory where the Zionist project would be built: the State of Israel. The denial of humanity to the Palestinian people was perfectly illustrated in Israel Zangwill’s famous phrase from the beginning of the 20th century: “A land without a people, for a people without a land” and which now manifests itself as “animal people” in the voice by Galant. The British crown, which curiously is involved in almost all colonial experiences in history, was in charge of carrying out the Zionist settlement process, however, the radical Zionists soon found the British not too harsh. In response they armed themselves two paramilitary armies, one more cruel than the other to carry out the forced displacement and genocide that we see worsening today. These two groups were The Haganah –The defense- and the Irgun –National Military Organization of the Land of Israel-. Both paramilitary organizations were classified as terrorists by the same The West, which is now trying lavar the memory of how the State of Israel was founded.

Starting in 1948, almost 30 years after the beginning of the occupation, when Ben-Gurion declared the constitution of the State of Israel with the founding act of the Nakba -the catastrophe-, which was a process of forced depopulation and genocide that resulted in the displacement of more than 800,000 Palestinians and at least 15,000 dead; the Haganag became the IDF and the Irgun ideologues became the government of the State of Israel. By 1967, during the 6-Day War, when the coalition of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq declared war on the State of Israel for the occupation of Palestine, More than 300,000 Palestinians were displaced and more than 20,000 Arabs were murdered by the State of Israel with the military support of the West, and both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank came under the control of the State of Israel. The Palestinian people called this second great process of forced depopulation and genocide the Nakasa -the retrocess-. However, Before and after the Nakba, as before and after the Naksa, the genocidal practices and forced depopulation of the State of Israel have been continuous, and have been intensified in specific episodes.

The genocide of the Palestinian people and the forced depopulation of Palestine did not begin on October 7, 2023. It has been carried out for more than 100 years with the application of the pedagogy of cruelty, not only in the sight and patience of the West. , but supported and financed by it. The geostrategic position of the State of Israel has become the cornerstone of sustaining the decadent hegemony of the West. If the State of Israel falls, almost 90% of the control of natural gas and oil resources in the Middle East would be in the hands of Russia, China, Iran and the rest of the Arab world, undoubtedly causing the final transition to multipolarism.

On the other handthe billion-dollar Israeli military industry is strategic for the support of the West. This is characterized by two elements: an extraordinary espionage and intelligence apparatus, and for selling weapons and war equipment field testedprecisely in the Palestinian bodies. An example of this mechanism is eye mutilation, a deterrence and torture strategy developed precisely by the IDF in the brutal repression against the Palestinian people in the last 25 years. Other intelligence and torture tactics were exported to Latin America by Mossad agents in the 70s and 80s, such as when León Febres Cordero brought Ran Gazit to set up the SIC-10 and its death squads, which were dedicated to killing , torture, rape and extort communists, trans, queers and poor people. We would be wrong to think that the State of Israel is out of control at this time. On the contrary, it is executing a geopolitical strategy and hegemony plan of Yankee-Western imperialism from more than 100 years ago.

The State of Israel, like all colonial States, is founded on a barbaric process of genocide and illegal land appropriation. The point is that in the 20th and 21st centuries there were already international treaties such as International Humanitarian Law, or institutions such as the United Nations. The escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has demonstrated three important things: 1. Lives of color do not matter, the world order remains white supremacist; 2. Capitalist accumulation and political hegemony are the most important for the system; and 3. Bourgeois democracy – in which these agreements and institutions are inscribed – is a pantomime, a fallacy woven by the class system itself, and nothing more.

One more time, We ratify solidarity with the Palestinian people and unrestricted support for their heroic efforts to achieve their national liberation project. It is absolutely understandable that desperation, the feeling of helplessness and the liberal catchphrase make the collective conscience fall into solutions that are not solutions. In Palestinian territory the destiny of all the peoples of the world is being played out, as happened in the 40s of the last century with the rise of Nazism. The response that little by little is already being given must necessarily be the radicalization of political positions and deepening of popular organization in each territory of the planet. For the Palestinian people, this has always been a matter of life and death, and now more so than ever. Only one peace is possible, and that is justice. Only one justice is acceptable, and that is the return of all occupied lands and the end of the colonial State of Israel and its Zionist fascism. For a free Palestine, from the river to the sea, until victory.

Originally published in Crisis Magazine

#Free #Palestine #river #sea

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