Free Vaccinations in Amsterdam and the Netherlands: Protecting Against Infectious Diseases

by time news

2023-09-17 13:47:00
Vaccination Rates in Amsterdam and the Netherlands Expected to Drop in 2022

Amsterdam, Netherlands – Vaccination rates in Amsterdam and the Netherlands are set to decline in 2022 compared to the previous year, with the exception of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. According to the National Vaccination Program, children and young people in the Netherlands receive free vaccinations against twelve infectious diseases, including measles, polio, and rubella.

The vaccination rates in Amsterdam and the Netherlands play a crucial role in preventing the spread of serious diseases. Vaccinating children not only reduces their chances of getting infected but also lessens the severity of the illness if they do contract it.

The current data highlights a decline in overall vaccination rates, raising concerns about the potential for a resurgence of infectious diseases. However, the HPV vaccination rate has actually increased, offering protection against six types of cancer.

To ensure maximum protection, the National Vaccination Program recommends that pregnant women receive the whooping cough vaccine starting at the 22nd week of pregnancy to safeguard their newborns. Furthermore, babies receive their first vaccine against diseases like whooping cough and pneumococcal disease at three months. Invitations for these vaccines will be sent to parents in due course.

With the upcoming autumn campaign scheduled to begin in October, all children and young people turning nine will be called upon to receive vaccinations against DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, polio), MMR (mumps, measles, rubella), meningococcus, and HPV. Detailed information about the dates and locations can be found on, and invitations will also be sent by post.

In an effort to ensure that parents and individuals can make an informed decision about vaccinations, the GGD (Municipal Health Service) encourages consultations with nearby Youth Health Care (JGZ) centers. They provide comprehensive information and answer any doubts or queries regarding vaccinations. For more information, visit

As vaccination rates in Amsterdam and the Netherlands face a decline, it becomes crucial for parents and individuals to stay informed about the benefits and importance of vaccination. Protecting oneself and the community against infectious diseases is a responsibility we all share.]
#GGD #Amsterdam #concerned #declining #vaccination #rates

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