Freebies of political parties- Expert panel to examine

by time news

During elections, political parties throw out free announcements to get people’s votes. The rulers get away with a thousand excuses.

A public interest petition was filed in the Supreme Court claiming that the freebies are deceiving the people and the recognition of political parties that do not fulfill the freebies should be revoked. Various parties are opposing this.

In this case, when this case came up for hearing today, Chief Justice Ramana, who heard the case, questioned, “We can set up an expert committee to investigate the exemptions, why not convene an all-party meeting to discuss this?”

And Chief Justice Ramana commented on this in detail and said, “Freebies announced during elections should be controlled. A deep long discussion is needed to arrive at a solution to this. Freebies can destroy the economy. Those who announce freebies while in opposition become difficult to manage when they become ruling parties. Therefore, an expert committee can be set up to investigate this,” he commented.

It seems that the central government is seriously considering this opinion of the Supreme Court. As the Chief Justice is due to retire this month, the case will be transferred to a three-judge bench headed by senior justice Chandrachud.

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