Freedom and labyrinths of eros: two “lectio” by Massimo Recalcati at the Bellini

by time news

noon9 March 2022 – 15:29

The psychoanalyst and “cult” popularizer on 11 and 12 in Naples. Di Putin says: “Look at the world from his psychic bunker as if the world were a shapeless swarm”

Of Natasha Festa

Cult psychoanalyst and moral philosopher, Massimo Recalcati, also thanks to his popular talent, is certainly a guru contemporary, but one of the good ones. Every lesson of him overflows with the public and so are the two, eagerly awaited, which he will hold on Friday and Saturday at the Bellini theater in Naples. His clinical gaze and his sharp word return an analysis even on the ferocious dictator who is bleeding these days.

The dictator’s “psychic bunker”

His analysis started from the images of Putin’s big table «made to distance – he wrote recently – and not to bring us closer. But the distancing when it appears, as in this case, oversized is, in reality, the most evident signal of the perception of an impending threat. Danger insinuates itself everywhere, even in one’s own fortress ». And then: «He observes the world from his psychic bunker as if the world were a shapeless and detestable swarm of life that cannot penetrate the windowless rooms of his power … The malignant narcissism of dictators creates a void around him and … reveals an equally evil self-destructive drive. The burning of Rome (Nero, and the massacre of the innocents confirms this ed) can be taken as a symbol of the sad fate of any tyranny. To take the false step that denounces the work of death that holds the threads … ».

The illusion of freedom

The first lesson, the day after tomorrow, at 6 pm, is entitled The illusion of freedom and says that «the trauma of the epidemic forced us to rethink the foundations of our civil life. In particular, the experience of freedom. What does it mean to be free if there is no freedom that is not tied to the bond with the other? “. Again: «Is not liberation from this bond perhaps an illusion? And why the temptation to escape from the deepest freedom? Why can human beings love the chains of their freedom more? ‘


After the answers to these questions, on Saturday 12, at the same time, Recalcati will speak about The labyrinths of erotic desire that explains «They do not respond to the infallible compass of instinct. We are all lost in a labyrinth that has no way out. It is the beauty and the tortuosity of sex life. How is it possible to unite and not oppose desire to love? When does the erotic life experience ecstasy and when instead it reveals itself only as a practice of plundering the body of the other? ». To know.

9 March 2022 | 15:29

© Time.News

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