Freedom of Information Law The Ministry for the Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee

by time news

Commissioner’s word – Freedom of Information Law

The vision and goal facing the office is to lead, empower and realize the future of the periphery.
Empowering the lives of local residents is a social and national mission that guides the activities of the office. Reducing the gaps and equal opportunities are long and challenging multi-year processes.

In the past year, the office continued to operate in the field of employment and economic development, while promoting transformative projects in various fields. The office has carried out diverse projects that provide opportunities for the residents and help the business development of the region by pushing local and national growth engines and connecting the economic opportunities and the businesses in the Negev, the Galilee and the social periphery. The ministry continued to work to establish dozens of fathers and promoted economic ventures in the local authorities.

The ministry invested heavily in informal education and continued to strive to provide the children of the Negev, the Galilee and the social periphery with educational enrichment frameworks in various fields out of a desire to provide an equal opportunity to the one received by the children of the center of the country. Thus, the ministry continued to operate a variety of projects in the field such as: a mentoring system, sports and technology circles, centers of excellence and youth centers for the Druze and Circassian society.

For the young population, the Ministry continued to operate the youth centers spread throughout the Negev, the Galilee and the social periphery that provide support for career development, local leadership, social involvement and community life development that will help the growth of future leaders in the region.

For the benefit of strengthening community resilience and helping young families, the ministry continued the project of establishing playground facilities in the local authorities in the Negev, the Galilee and the social periphery and the projects of establishing playgrounds, mini-pitch courts and music complexes.

The goal of these projects is to provide a response to young families, children and youth in order to enrich the social and community life of the settlement.

As part of the ministry’s activities for the benefit of the elderly population, it continued to operate within the “Golden Age” program, which aims to develop local leadership and empower those wonderful adults in all the settlements of the social periphery.

In addition, the ministry continued to renovate and build public institutions on a significant scale, including local authorities in the social and geographic periphery.

To submit a request for information through the Freedom of Information Law, click here >>>

Li Sarov, the Commissioner for Freedom of Information
Phone: 03-6060794
E-mail: [email protected]

Forming a proactive information dissemination policy in the Ministry for the Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee


The Ministry for the Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee receives dozens of requests under the freedom of information every year.

The requests are divided into several types of requests: horizontal requests which are submitted by various associations to the entire government ministry, requests regarding government decisions and requests regarding Minister Aryeh Deri.

These are usually one-off requests and not ones that can be characterized and a proactive advertising policy can be formulated around them, however, there is a response and each case is examined on its merits subject to the Freedom of Information Law.

Our office is happy to provide information within the framework of the Freedom of Information Act and is proud to publish the important work being done throughout the social and geographic periphery, budgeting based on reader votes and published procedures on the office’s website regularly.

Proactive information publication

Examining the request for the publication of proactive information and the areas relevant to it, it emerged that the ministry maintains many engagements with suppliers as part of tenders and price offers. The office is interested in sharing these agreements with the public

Every quarter, the ministry publishes a report of engagements carried out in the previous quarter. Now the office wishes to expand this information and publish the agreements themselves with the various suppliers to the public.

The information to be published

The Ministry for the Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee deals with various and diverse projects throughout the periphery, socially and geographically. social projects in which calls for votes and procedures for budgeting cultural events, social ventures and ongoing activities for a variety of populations are published; Public projects in various fields such as the budgeting of public institutions, the establishment of playgrounds, the establishment of playgrounds, mini-pitch fields, the establishment of the fathers and more.

As part of the ongoing work in carrying out and accompanying these projects, the office is assisted by dedicated professionals for many calls and procedures. These professionals and companies work with the office by virtue of their winning a public tender and/or winning as part of requests for quotations.

The tenders are published as required in the Manif system and on the office’s website. As part of formulating a proactive information dissemination policy, the Ministry wishes to involve the public in the further process and publish on its own initiative contracts with these entities, whether they are companies or consultants that won a tender or entities that provide services to the Ministry in the process of receiving bids as part of the management and procurement department’s conduct.

The publication schedule

The office undertakes to publish a quarterly update of this information. The proposed hazel is in accordance with the publication of a contract report according to the instructions of the Freedom of Information Unit at the Ministry of Justice.

Responsible for advertising

As mentioned, the office takes the public’s right to know and freedom of information very seriously. The office has a Freedom of Information Commissioner, the employees of the office are aware of the importance of responding to inquiries that come within the framework of Freedom of Information and willingly cooperate and assist the Commissioner in providing answers with the relevant information within the scope of their duties.

The publication of the information in question is also the responsibility of the Commissioner for Freedom of Information, Lee Sarov, when after the approval of the proactive information publication policy, you will inform all the employees of the office so that they are aware of being updated at any time with relevant information on this subject. In addition, inquiries will be made by the supervisor to all employees once a quarter in order to check if there is any relevant information at that time that can be published in the publication of the fight initiative.

Information that will not be published

Every application submitted to the office is reviewed by the legal department before a response is given. In many cases of lateral applications to a multitude of government ministries, there are instructions and references from the governmental unit for freedom of information regarding the manner of providing the answer and the information that can or cannot be provided to the applicants.

In the case of publishing contracts with suppliers, no information will be published whose publication could harm the security, information security, and physical security of the minister or the employees and which has not been approved for publication by the head of the security division in the ministry and with the approval of the legal department. Also, personal information that is not required to be published under the Freedom of Information Law will not be published. The information. In any active publication, the freedom of information commissioner has discretion and, when necessary, will consult with the legal department so that the information is published in accordance with the law and to the satisfaction of all those involved.

I am refused
Freedom of Information Commissioner
Manager of the monitoring and control research field

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