Freelancers who do not make it to the end of the month can request this supplement

by time news

2023-08-07 18:42:00

Being self-employed is not easy. It requires a laborious work looking for clients, carrying out the business activity every day and dealing, on many occasions, with the administrative bureaucracy with which many people are not familiar. In any case, self-employed workers have one series of aidsespecially when they start in terms of training, technical assistance, investment financing for the creation and start-up of the company and the guarantees of theICO.

However, for those self-employed who do not make it to the end of the month, they can request theMinimum Vital Income (IMV), a benefit that seeks to reduce the risk of poverty for families in Spain.

Since it is a guaranteed income, it is possible to make it compatible certain incomes at the same time as the collection of the Vital Minimum Income. This means that the beneficiary of the IMV will be able to collect amounts in terms of salary or unemployment benefits such as subsidies as long as certain amounts are not exceeded.

Until 2022, compatibility was simple: the income was subtracted from the guaranteed income of the cohabitation unit of which the beneficiary was part and the difference was the amount of Minimum Vital Income that he received month by month. However, from 2023 these compatibilities have been improved, in such a way that certain percentages of income and income are considered exempt and, therefore, are not part of the reductions. In other words, from this year you can collect more Minimum Vital Income even if you receive salaries or wages or unemployment benefits.

In Spain there are 1,973,028 self-employed.

Requirements to be able to request the IMV

Freelancers who want to apply l’IMV they must be registered with the Special regime for self-employed workers (LETTER).

The amount of money to be received by the self-employed person who requests this help depends on the people he has in charge and whether he lives with a partner or not. The established monthly amounts range from 469,93 eurosfor those who live alone, up to 1221.83 euros, for large families.

In addition, this series of conditions must be met in order to be able to collect this supplement:

have between 23 and 65 years old. reside way legal and continuous in Spain for at least one year before making the request. If you are under 29, you must have lived independently in the last three years. Have requested all subsidies and benefits to which he could opt, without including social wages, aid from autonomous communities or minimum reinsertion incomes.

Not being a legal administrator of a commercial company nor live with people who are.

Not having a net worth greater than three times the annual income threshold that corresponds to your situation.

Not receiving an economic allocation for a child without a disability or with a disability of less than 33%.

#Freelancers #month #request #supplement

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