French election: What the result means for Le Pen

by time news

The result of the second round French elections no doubt it is a big hit for his National Rally Marine Le Pen and his Jordan Bardella. The parties of the Left allied themselves and the citizens showed that they do not want a government far to the right. Thus the dream of power was ended – for the first time in the history of the party – and indeed in the most significant way. The National Rally was in third place. This development has caused some commentators to say that Marine Le Pen is “mad”. But is it so?

Ballot box message

It is rather too early to say for the definitive defeat of the French extreme. On the one hand we have the indisputable fact consistently since 2002, every time the extreme right comes close to power, the left reacts and the society as a whole blocks it. The French in the majority did not want to allow Le Pen’s party to rise to power. That’s what they told us in the second round.

On the other hand, it is clear that Le Pen’s influence on French society has increased significantly, with a large proportion of citizens now considering the National Rally – thanks to the denial of Le Pen’s father and the a complete change that softened the edge of France. the seats – mainstream political power.

After all, the message of the first round was that the traditional parties left enough space for Le Pen and Bardela to set the agenda and propose a solution to what burns the French more than anything else: the cost of living crisis .

REUTERS/Benoit Tessier/File Photo

The new story

There was great disappointment within the National Assembly last night. As of this morning, however, the story of the victory, which was really… a victory, is being promoted. Party officials emphasize that the party has significantly increased its presence in Parliament (it now has 142 deputies), and that state funding is also increasing.

The aim is to show that Le Pen is not only unfazed, but is still in a position of power ahead of the next big battle, or even better, the crucial war: the 2027 presidential election “They have a story before 2027: There They It can be said that the victory was stolen from the unholy alliance of the left – Macron and they are still the alternative,” Benjamin Morel, French political analyst, said in Politico.

They emphasize that they received approximately 3 million votes more than the New People’s Front which came first in seats.

French election: How Le Pen’s National Rally got 3 million more votes than the left, but lost

And the crucial questions about the relationship between Le Pen and Bardela

When you aim for first place and maybe a majority and come third, grumbling is sure to start. And along with the whining and the blame game. And this is a process that could bring Marine Le Pen into conflict with her 28-year-old protégé, Jordan Bardela. Can the student challenge the teacher and claim that anointing for the 2027 presidential election?

The two made sure to show their unity in public. But Bardela’s higher popularity among the party’s base and his growing independence in policy matters cannot be ignored. Speaking to reporters in January, Le Pen acknowledged Bardela’s qualities but said he had “given him a chance”.

As for Bardela, he has repeatedly said that Le Pen is the “natural candidate” for the presidency and will not be “Marine Le Pen’s Emmanuel Macron” — referring to how President Macron turned on her benefactor , then-President Francois Hollande , before he won the prize. presidency in 2017.

Asked about a possible split, Jean-Lin Lacapelle, an ally of Le Pen, said: “It’s out of the question. The truth is, they are a winning duo.”

REUTERS/Christian Hartmann/File Photo

2027 is probably too early for Bardella

In private conversations with POLITICO, however, current and former party members and allies of the two leaders on the right were less certain, pointing out that Bardela’s brand now has wider appeal than Le Pen’s.

“Some French people think that Jordan Bardela has a better chance of winning [τις προεδρικές εκλογές] by Marine Le Pen,” said a member of the National Rally, “speaking on condition of anonymity. “There is a risk (of rupture). We have to be careful,” he said.

The real question, analysts say, is when Bardella will seek his own rise to power. The most likely scenario is to wait for Le Pen to make a fourth bid for the presidency in 2027. And depending on the result, it is not out of the question that he could even try to make his own party there.

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