Film director Christophe Ruggia will be tried in December for the accusations of sexually assaulting the actress Adele Haenel when he was a minor, according to sources close to the case.
The trial in the criminal court of Paris It is scheduled for December 9 and 10. Ruggia is accused of sexually assaulting the actress in the early 2000s.when he was about 30 years old and she was less than 15 years old.
In a court document, the investigating magistrate indicated that the accusations of Haenel are “precise and consistent” and that the actress has suffered the psychological consequences of the alleged attacks.
The considerable age difference between Roar y Haenel and the “psychological control” that the director exercised over the young actress thanks to his position of authority are potentially aggravating circumstances.
Ruggia denies the charges, although he admitted to having made “mistakes.” His lawyers declined to comment, although there has been no response from Haenel’s lawyers either.
This case is part of a series of revelations about sexual assaults committed in the world of film and entertainment in France.
According to the complaint of Haenel, Now 35, the director subjected her to “constant sexual harassment” from the age of 12 to 15, including “forced kisses on “the neck” and touching.
2024-08-08 09:06:37