French industry facing the risk of water stress

by time news

As if the difficulties that are befalling companies were not enough… In addition to the soaring electricity and gas prices, the shortage of semiconductors and the tensions over several raw materials, there is a threat, more distant but worrying: a scarcity of water. The drought of recent weeks has just reminded companies that, if they can draw on this resource, they also have a duty to make rigorous use of it.

French industry consumes 2.5 billion cubic meters per year, or 8% of total withdrawals from groundwater and rivers. The government has seen no upturn in private water companies, although it had to impose restrictions in some areas at the height of the drought. However, several particularly consumer sectors are exposed to the risk of future shortages, according to the Ministry of Ecological Transition: the chemical industry (petrochemicals, phytosanitary, pharmaceuticals, etc.), which represents 25% to 30% of withdrawals, paper manufacturers (10 %) and agrifood (8%), notably dairy products and brewers.

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This situation, still under control, will not last. EDF is already encountering recurring difficulties in cooling the nuclear reactors located on the banks of the Rhône, the Loire, the Garonne and the Moselle. River shipowners have had to deal with the drop in the water level of the Rhine and large canals. A prospective study by the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research entitled “Explore 2070” and dated 2012 predicts a significant decrease in groundwater recharge compared to the 1961-1990 period (from 10% to 25%) and that the average annual flow of rivers, which could be reduced by 10% to 40%. The major industrial artery Paris-Rouen-Le Havre would be very affected (20% drop in the flow of the Seine), like the Garonne and its tributaries.

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“Companies are discovering that France is moving towards a semi-arid climate”observes Franck Galland, associate researcher at the Foundation for Strategic Research and author of war and water (Robert Laffont, 2021, 180 pages, 18 euros). « In twenty years, there will be 10% to 20% less water on the surface or in the groundwater. As we reduce the carbon footprint, we must reduce the water footprint. »

“Change Gear”

For ten to twenty years, large groups (PSA, Renault, Michelin, Saint-Gobain, SNCF, Paprec, Colas, Smurfit Kappa, etc.) have been implementing water policies and improving their processes, recognizes the National Federation of Associations local residents and industrial water users. It took 15 cubic meters for a PSA model in 1995, 3.5 cubic meters twenty years later; and 40 cubic meters for a ton of paper in 1990 compared to 23 cubic meters in 2017. Even if they return more than 90% of the resource to nature, manufacturers still have progress to make to pump ever less. “They will have to change gear”warns Mr. Galland, also a consultant to industrialists.

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