French politics, October 2023 | FranceEvening

by time news

2023-10-20 19:32:36

TRIBUNE – As autumn has arrived, a new state of emergency! France without a state of emergency is now an exception. Here too, we have a reversed logic, but which no longer has the desired effect. When one could think that government actions were being strengthened in order to combat a danger, today this implementation is a sign of political inaction in the face of a danger declared by the country’s leadership team.

What is the danger here? We are undoubtedly dealing with a tragedy with the assassination of this professor from Arras, Dominique Bernard. Very quickly described by Macron as “Islamist terrorism”, leaving no time for an investigation worthy of the name to certify it. But so practical to combine with what has been happening since October 12 between Hamas and Israel. As if they wanted to concern us with this “new conflict”, which will require France to send weapons, or even soldiers?

Didn’t Emmanuel Macron already make a choice during his speech on October 12, 2023? by declaring : “We have assured Israel and its people of our unwavering solidarity and support in the legitimate response to terrorist acts. Israel has the right to defend itself by eliminating terrorist groups, including Hamas, through targeted actions, but by preserving civilian populations. What concrete support can France provide?

Should we feel militarily concerned by this conflict beyond our borders? Likewise, should we feel involved in this other conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the repercussions of which began here in February 2023? How many bankruptcies caused by these bad political decisions which were to bring Russia to its knees?

“Good guys” versus “bad guys”, “available brain time”

Can a country afford to forget the interests of its population, such as, in particular, its needs for energy resources, in favor of an external conflict in which it is not involved? What makes him still involved (or at least that’s how the information is delivered by the majority of the media)? Here are the French summoned to defend a camp in a binary mode, to take the side of those designated as “the good ones”, against the others, the “bad ones”. Too many are already taking sides without even having information on the ins and outs. If they knew that presented in this way, with appalling simplism, it cannot be real information… Which cannot in any way be the reality on the ground.

Who is this simplification for? What is his purpose? Why is it complicated to get information from diverse voices? Everything seems the same, giving the impression that it is endless; a hellish cycle of endless days. Yesterday, Ukraine had to be saved, and today, who must be saved? Yesterday there was a state of emergency following the attacks of November 2015, today following the attack in Arras.

Already, in 2015, I wrote on the way in which these crimes were characterized in order to create a climate of fear; our country was “in war” against a possible foreign organization. These words “attack”, “terrorism”, asking us for “vigilance”, “distrust”, “danger”, making us accept searches everywhere, in all places and these incessant military patrols… Then from November 2015, the state of emergency, constantly renewed.

These states of emergency, like 49.3, which line up. Anything that allows you to move on in force. And quickly, without any possible dispute. Which leaves everyone only a spectator of these sequences when nevertheless we allow them to believe that democracy is still there. How long to pretend?

Is the only solution to get away from all this flow?

What did we have to get used to? And how far? We receive so many warnings, between Covid and bedbugs, through heatwaves and droughts in rainy weather. These press releases reveal a necessarily hostile world, which leads us to saturation. Which transform our free will into an available brain, recalling this famous phrase from Patrick Le Lay, when he was chairman and CEO of the TF1 group in 2004: “What we sell to Coca-Cola is available human brain time”when ultimately the only avowed objective of this channel was to retain the viewer so that advertisers could be assured that their advertisements would be fully received.

A desensitization certainly in the face of all these announced dangers. Or conversely, hyperreactivity. To the point of even finding interest in this dinner at Versailles given by Macron to King Charles III, at the expense of the taxpayer, these same people who are finding it more and more difficult to make ends meet, even to eat, or to ecstasy in front of French tableware, or to be outraged by it.

Is it possible to put a stop to it? Is the only solution to get away from all this flow? How to find nuances and subtleties, and not get carried away when we lack so much knowledge. First of all, if we started to admit our ignorance about these conflicts that are eminently more complex than two opposing camps. Which, moreover, would make us take this healthy distance from these media which are all content to repeat the same content.

Any war is a tragedy for the majority and offers enormous material opportunities to a tiny minority of people. Who can explain why some people want war? Who are they ? Who has the right answers to find out? Isn’t stirring up this fear also a magnificent media diversion tool? Who can indeed remain indifferent to this threat of World War III? Who can keep a clear head between those who are terrorized and those who are galvanized by it? When such a subject seems to make the person who speaks about it so important. Who even prevents from remaining silent those who would nevertheless like not to approach it…

An attempt to erase everything with it, when from now on the revelations around Covid can no longer be suppressed? Do not pass this statement of October 3, 2023, from the new Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau, claiming that Covid “vaccines” are without side effects, when they are visible, certainly the information is given in droppers, and not will never be completely delivered, given the health scandal of unprecedented scale.

Can the war thus narrated really hide everything?

Indeed, there is so much to hide. Even this bedbug buzz is far from trivial regarding poor management which can quickly turn out to be a personal scourge, which I can confirm to you, having experienced it; not the pests themselves, but the very cumbersome, if not untenable, protocol requested by the companies supposed to get rid of them, which makes you responsible for the solution and guilty of the failure of eradication. Which recalls the same type of message given regarding Covid, with social distancing, wearing a mask, and the “vaccine”. Also, concerning the potentially polluting citizen who is responsible for practicing these “small gestures” in order to “save the planet”. And shows, even legitimate, the complete political disinvolvement in taking real measures and reporting.

The potentially guilty and powerless citizen? How can we regain this conviction that we have power? Is it possible to regain our “available brain” to direct our lives? How to achieve this in the face of all these tragedies? Does this mean no longer being informed? Unless we find ways to sort things out, so as not to be overwhelmed, to remain active, and focus on the spaces where we can act.

Can the war thus narrated really hide everything? When we add this threat of repercussions on our soil, with as proof this return of “the Vigipirate plan enhanced to emergency attack level” by Élisabeth Borne. When it is also a question of making ourselves responsible, and we provide : “This document (which) lists in an exhaustive and educational manner numerous recommendations allowing everyone to develop greater vigilance and reflexes to better protect themselves (and help others) in the event of an attack.” Will this mean that our financial contribution will increase when, since November 2016, home insurance, which is compulsory, is accompanied by a contribution to the Attack Guarantee Fund of €5.90 per contract for all French people?

Give or take a few days, if I had written this monthly mood post earlier, I would certainly have talked about these other annoying subjects: RSA conditional on 15 hours of “activity” (?), receipts optional, this Nobel Prize in medicine which praises particularly tendentious messenger RNA vaccines, another 49.3 to have the revenue section of the 2024 finance bill adopted, the ban on glitter decided by the EU as a new so-called ecological measure. ..

I would actually also have talked about bedbugs, a subject which, if properly exploited, can create a great psychosis, perhaps not as much as an epidemic, but these almost invisible pests which come to suck your blood while you sleep, can cause their effect and even create panic, sparing no one, not making any differences when, perhaps, some were present during the meal for 150 seats at Versailles! Who could argue that there were no pests present that evening?

Laurence Waki ​​is a writer and philosopher. Find his texts on his site internet.

#French #politics #October #FranceEvening

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